Solid platinum

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Asami's POV

I walk around the lower parts of the docks.

Who do they think they are!? Accusing my father like that! My only family member... I know him! I know he'd never do that! Ever!

I took a seat at the end of the dock and let my feet dangle over the water.

God and Rin! The way Mako freaked out after she blew up... he was so worried. Bolin was the the only one who could talk to him... I don't understand.... why doesn't he care for me like that? Why is Rin so important? Is it because she's practically royalty? Being one of the last air benders and all and the last Avatars granddaughter. Is it because she's an actual bender? What is it!?

"UGH!" I cried out in frustration and kicked the water. From the water something shining caught my eye.

Floating in the water was a bracelet? I leaned towards the water and pulled it out, it was pink and teal... and actually really pretty.


I quickly stuffed the bracelet in my pocket and stood up, I saw Bolin walking towards me.

"Hey, Bolin. Where's Mako?"

Bolin avoided my eyes, "Um he, ah, he just didn't feel like coming out."

I sighed and frowned, "He went looking for Rin, huh."

What does she have, that I don't? Makos clearly with me! But why doesn't it feel like it?

"Well... he tried." Bolin admitted, "Come on, let's go back. It's getting late!"

"Yeah, okay."


Rin's POV

We reached Silk Road Bridge a little before midnight. We continued walking cautiously until a man clothed in a matching coat and hat revealed himself from behind a pillar. "Psst, over here."

We stopped next to him and he started right away. "Listen, I joined the Equalists because I believed in what Amon said. I thought he could make life better for us nonbenders, but I didn't sign up for this- this war."

Lin was quick to get to the point. "What do you have on Hiroshi Sato?"

"He manufactured those gloves for the Equalists." He answered.

"I knew it." Korra said.

"And there are rumors he's working on something even bigger. Some new kind of weapon."

"Some new kind of weapon..." I'm mumbled. "Dose this new weapon happen to be made out of pure metal?" I asked louder.

The man looked at me, "Mister Sato get this special type of metal ever week. It's always disguised among the regular metal. I'm not entirely sure it's impotence."

I stepped closer to the man, "It's impotence is that it's not bendable."

"That's not possible." Lin stated strongly.

"But it it's Lin." I pulled the piece of metal from my pocket. "Metal at its purest form can't be bended. There not enough earth in it to make it bend. And it's certainly not cheap. Just like Lord Zukos first ship... Lin," I held out my hand with the metal towards Lin, "I want you to try and bend it."

Lin scoffed, as if I was insulting her, she did the simplest swipe of her hand. But the metal didn't move.

Lin did a double take and tried again, and again.

Lin's eyes widened in worry, "This can't be..."

"Rin, how'd you figure this out?" My father asked.

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