Match 3

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Since I was the only one who could actually fly, Lin had me do perimeter checks around the outside. After a full sweep I flew to a window and sat down on the ledge.

"Introducing the challengers, The Future Industries Fire Ferrets!"

"Come on guys." I whispered to myself.

All three were waving at their fans, Mako blew a kiss and winked at someone which made the female audience cheer louder. I looked to the direction he sent the kiss and saw Asami and her father in a private box. I just sighed.

Makos eyes moved up and I felt like we made eye contact but there's no way he noticed me from this far up. Well at least I thought so until he smiled and sent me a two finger side salute. I shook my head with a smile. Leave it to him to spot me.

I looked back down to see Pabu walking on his front legs then jumps through an earth disk that was held by Bolin.
I smiled and cheered for him.

"And their opponents, the three time defending champions, the White Falls Wolfbats!" The opposing teammates were dressed in capes with wolfbat masks. As they howled, fireworks went up around the stadium. The crowed went wild.

I huffed.

I bet if one of those boys ever saw an actual wolf bat they'd crap themselves.

It was clear the Wolfbats weren't gonna be playing fair. Right off the bat, fouls were made all over, but the refs didn't say anything. The earth Wolfbat bent a disc out of his zone from under Bolin's feet, throwing him back a few zones. Again, the refs ignored it.

"Oh come on! That was a load of BS!" I yelled.

The it hits me. I had to clam myself down before I jumped down there and slapped those refs into next week.

The refs have been paid off. What a bunch of hoes.

The Wolfbats pushed the Fire Ferrets back to zone three and eventually knocking them off the ring. The bell rings, indicating that the game was over. The Wolfbats won.

The crowed started to cheer but a smile grows on my face. I know it's not over yet, at least not that easily.

Korra was holding herself up and her other hand held Mako up by the collar of his shirt. Korra managed to toss Mako back onto the ring before letting herself fall into the pool of water.

Tahno was to busy celebrating to realize Mako was back up, Mako knocked him down with a fire blast to the back right before the buzzer sounded to end round one.

Round two was filled with illegal moves and head shots, it came down to a tie breaker that will determine who won the round. The coin toss was won by the Ferrets and when Korra stepped up.

I straightened up.

Come on Korra. You can do this.

She sends out a false blast of water, Tahno dodges it with a smirk, but Korra sends another one with her foot that successfully shot Tahno in the chin, knocking him off of the platform.

"Round two goes to the Fire Ferrets!"

"HELL YEAH KORRA!" I screamed. Korra looked around then finally up. She gave me a big cheesy smile which I returned with just a small one.

Round three begun and it was chaos. With each hit a unshakable feeling grew in my stomach.

It's been to quite. Amon should've tried something by now.

I looked down to the crowed, I felt my heart stop.


Damnit me and my big mouth.

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