Im not useless.

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As Korra showed me around, with Mako still firmly attached to my side. We came to our campsite, I sat down around the small fire.

Korra and Mako followed my actions, I watched as Korra shoulders tensed and she let out a shaky breath.

"Korra stop," I said softly, she raised her head to me, her big blue eyes were glossy, "Yes, Amon took my bending." I watched at Korras face broke and Mako squeezed my hand, in a act of support.

"Don't blame yourself Korra. I knew exactly what I was doing and the outcome. And we certainly don't have time for you to be sulking. Amon is in his end game, we need to create a plan and we need to take action." While I was talking Asami and Bolin joined the campsite.

"We signaled general Iroh. His fleet should be here in three days." Asami spoke. Her eyes remained trained on mine and Makos hands.

My eyes grew wide with the news, "General Iroh's fleet... that means his commanding officers will be with him."

Bolin raised an eyebrow at me, "I would assume?"

I gasped a little, I didn't mean to say that aloud, "Oh, yeah, haha... of course." I tried to play it off, but I don't think it worked since everyone raised and eyebrow at me.

I cleared my throat, "Well what's our plan for the time being?"

"My father is holding a speech, we're planning on listening in." Asami said, I removed my hand from Mako's grip and stood up.

"Well then, what are we waiting for?"

Korra and Mako glanced at each other with worried eyes, then back to me.

"Rin... maybe-" Korra started softly but Mako interrupted her.

"I don't think it's a good idea for you to go."

I narrowed my eyes, "And whys that?"

"We just got you back after you being captured for days! And on top of that you defenseless." Mako continued.

I'm sure he didn't mean no harm, but I couldn't help the scowl growing on my face.

I glanced past Mako, and saw a long wooden rod leaning on the wall, I walked confidently past them towards the rod.

I felt everyone's eyes on me, I jumped and kicked the stick in, evenly breaking it to the size in need. I snatched it and spun it a few times, getting the feel on it.

I turned back to them and hit the staff of the floor, "Last time I check, I escaped myself. And just because I don't have my bending, doesn't make me useless." I snapped.

"No, you're either going to let me come, or I'll fight my way through both of you." I gritted out as I got into a defensive position.

Korra smiled at me, "Alright, Mighty Rin. Let's go."

I smiled back and relaxed, walking towards her, I caught the look of worry as I passed Mako but I ignored it.

I won't let this control me grandpa.

I will fight.


"It is a glorious day my Equalist brothers and sisters! Amon has torn down the tyrannical bending government! He has declared bending illegal! And he has the Avatar on the run! Our great leader has a vision for the future! One day soon, bending will no longer exist and we will live in a world where everyone is finally equal! The United Forces are on their way right now to try and stop that dream, but we will prevail!" The crowd cheers once Hiroshi finishes his speech.

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