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•Makos POV•

I was cooking breakfast for me and Bolin. Bolin was trying to give Pabu his annual bath.

Finally being able to get Pabu in the bath, Bolin asked me about Korra.

"So, what do you think of Korra in a girlfriend sorta way?" 

I ponder for a moment, "She's great. But I think it makes more sense for me to go for Asami." But I didn't feel content with my answer as memories of me and Rin together flooded my brain. "But Rin... there's always been something between us since the day we met her... she makes me feel something and I don't know what it means exactly." My voice was so quiet I don't think Bolin even heard me.

"I was talking about a girlfriend for me! Leave some ladies for the rest of us!" Bolin cried out.

Oh crap, oops.

I lifted my brows, "I know. That's what I thought you meant."


"I don't know, Bo. It doesn't seem like a good idea for you to date Korra." 

"You just said she was great two seconds ago." Bolin reminded me.

"Yeah, Korra's a great athlete and Avatar and stuff, but I don't know if she's really girlfriend material." I said.

"She's more like a pal." A thought popped into my head that made my blood boil. I quickly turned around and pointed the spatula at Bolin, "You shouldn't date Rin either!" 

"Bro, Rin's like the big sister I never had! It would be so gross if we dated." Bolin said.

"Anyways bro, you're nuts, Korra and I are perfect for each other. She's strong, I'm strong. she's fun, I'm fun. She's beautiful, and I'm gorgeous." Bolin said excitedly. 

"I don't care what you think, I'm gonna ask Korra out

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"I don't care what you think, I'm gonna ask Korra out." Bolin said. I sighed and turned back around to our eegs.

"But back to Rin, you clearly don't see her that way. I always thought you two would end up together since the day we met her. I still remember you buying her that bracelet to 'propose' to her'." Bolin smirked while wiggling his eyebrows. I chocked on air, coughing loudly. I felt my checks start to warm up at the memory, "I WAS 11 BOLIN!"

"Still, you wanted to marry her!" Bolin laughed.

My checks felt like they were on fire so I decided to change the subject, "What were you saying about Korra?"


•Rin's POV•

Me and Korra left the island and headed to the arena around noon.

I decided to make a quick stop at wish noodles and pick up so lunch for everyone. Making my way back to the gym where everyone was most likely working on a game plan.

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