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Before we start this chapter, this is Shiro!!

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Before we start this chapter, this is Shiro!!


The next morning I stood beside my friends as we looked out into the water.
The fog made it difficult, but it was also a good camouflage.

I could see Air Temple Island from where we were hiding, I felt angry run through my veins, Mako must've felt my mood shift as he placed a comforting hand between my shoulder blades and rubbed gently.

I exhaled, still angry but reminded myself I needed to focus.

"Once the United Forces arrive, we need to help in any way we can." Korra said. 

I swallowed the lump that began to build up in the back of my throat.

They're here." Mako announced, as he looked through binoculars. 

I looked out to the fleet of ships approaching, slowly emerging from the fog. I sucked in a breath at the pure force approaching us.

"Wait a second, where are the equalist airships?" Korra asked. 

"There aren't any mechatanks either," Mako said. 

Suddenly, we heard an explosion, that came from the fleet. I jumped up and ran towards the railing to get a better look. Fear bubbling inside me.

My eyes widened as I saw flames being shot from the fleets. One flame in particular caught my eyes that made my heart drop. The beautiful blue flame, I knew all to well.

"KORRA!" I all but screamed, "You have to get over there! NOW!"

She jumped into the water, and used her water bending to get over to the fleets. Suddenly, there was a loud buzzing sound coming from the sky. I looked up to the sky, fear radiating off me in waves. After a few moments, equalist planes flew from the city, and made their way to the fleet. My eyes were glued to them as the took of to the ships. I felt so weak just standing here.

"Where does Hiroshi find the time to create these things!" Bolin exclaimed.

The fleet was heading straight for the battleships. All of them started dropping bombs, and some ships started exploding.

I bit my lip, wincing with every explosion.

Please... be alright.

I couldn't see well enough, I could only make out the faint blue glow here and there, I ran to Bolin and harshly pulled him to my height and looked through the binoculars around his neck.

I watched as some of the bombs, went to the water, and others landed directly on the ship. Firebenders and earthbenders were doing the best to fend off the planes. Luckily some of the planes have already fallen.

I scanned around for Korra. I didn't see her until, Korra plunged out of the water with a water tornado holding her. She bent ice spikes in the water, to destroy the low flying planes. The water tornado that was holding her, was broken by a plane, and she fell into the water.

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