She stays

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It was quiet on the way back to the island, the tension was definitely thick. I watched as my father looked up at the statue of Avatar Aang.  His frown showed he was troubled. When he looked over to Korra, I followed his gaze. I watched him close his eyes and sigh.

I look back over to Avatar Aangs statue. I wonder what it was like for him to be the Avatar... especially so young. I wish I could've spent more time with him... maybe he'd have a clue to why I haven't received my tattoos yet.

I start fiddling with my bracelet again to calm myself down.

When the ferry docked, the White Lotus was already there for Korra.  My father and I watched Korra walk toward the ship with a frown. She was stopped when my siblings flew down on their gliders. 

"Korra!" They ran toward her and hugged her tightly.

"Are you coming to live with us on the island?" Ikki asked hopefully. 

"No, I'm sorry Ikki. I have to go home now." Korra replied sadly. They walked over to us and I picked up Meelo and held him as we watched her go with Naga.

I looked up to my father who still seemed agitated. "Father, do you really think this is what is best for her?"

"...wait." He began to walked toward Korra, "I have done my best to guide Republic City towards the dream my father had for it. But you are right, it is fallen out of balance since he passed. I thought I should put off your training in order to uphold his legacy, but you are his legacy. You may stay and train air bending here with me. Republic City needs its Avatar once again."  

"Yes! Thank you!" Korra gleed. "You're the best!" 

I laughed while my brother and sisters cheered. Korra picked us all up in her arms, including my father, and tightly hugged us.

"Holy crap korra, can't breathe!" I said.

She laughed and released us. We all started heading back to the temple when I glanced to the city and saw the arena lights.

"Oh crap!" I mutter.

I started turning away getting ready to head to the arena to support Mako and Bolin when I was stopped.

"Rin where are you going?" My father asked.

"The arena! I'm going to be late." I said side stepping.

"Rin. Please not tonight." My father said.

I could tell he was going to need help... I sighed and apologized to the boys in my head and I followed everyone back to the temple.


I showed Korra to her room and she took a look around.


"Very." I giggled.

I sat down on Korra's bed leaning my head against the wall.

I hope Mako is doing alright. I mean I shouldn't be worried he is a strong fighter.

"Rin? Rin? RIN!?" Korra shouted.

"Huh? What?" I asked looking around.

"Were you even listening?" Korra asked.

"Haha... no sorry." I said, playing with my bracelet.

Korra looked at me with concern and came over to sit on her bed with me.

"Is something wrong?"

"It's nothing big, just worried about my friend." I said truthfully.

"What's going on with your friend?"

"He has a big event tonight... I never miss them and now that I am. I don't know I feel something bad might happen." I said while looking at the ground.

"I'm sure he'll be alright Rin! If it's a big event he must be good! I bet he'll kick butt!" Korra cheered while fist pumping the air.

I laughed a little and gave her a side hug.

"I bet you're right. Thank you. But it's late, we should probably turn in. You have a big day tomorrow miss Avatar." I said while getting up from the bed and walking to the door.

"Night Rin."

"Goodnight Korra."

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