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Sighing, Katara cleared her healing table. A deep frown still edged on her face.

Unable to restore Korras bending brought a heavy feeling to her heart. The look in Korras eyes reminded her of when Aang found out the world thought he was deceased again.

Setting down the last jar of herbs, she felt the the gleam of the moon on her back.
Turning to look up at the skylight, the moon shining brightly down on her. The strength still flowing through her old bones.

A small smile pulled at her lips, although they weren't with her. She could feel the strength of her friends, brother and lover.


A startled gasp left her lips as Katara turn to the door. Standing in the doorway was that firebender boy, and in his arms was her unconscious granddaughter.

"What are you standing there for!? Get her on the table!" Katara instantly scolded.

Mako rushed over and set her down, Katara furrowed her brows as she looked down at the child. A strange energy was surrounding her.

"What happened?" Katara asked as she bent some water from the moon pool that was directly under the skylight.

"I-I I'm not sure. Something happened between her and Korra. Both their eyes were glowing white and then this white energy appeared around Rin and it transferred to Korra... that's when Rin collapsed."

Kataras eyes widened slightly as her water glowed under her granddaughters chest.

Slowly moving her hands down her stomach, she gasped.

Moving her hands lower, her hands began to shake. This can't be...

Pulling her hands back, the water fell to the ground with a splash. Her blue eyes stared down in confusion and slight fear.

"Katara? Katara what's wrong!?" Malott asked worriedly.

"Mako, you'll want to step back."

Taking a deep breath, Katara bent a small ring of water. Slowly placing it upon Rins forehead.

In that moment, Tenzin and Korra burst through the door. Only to witness the ring turn bright white. The wind starting to dangerously pick up in the room.

"Mother!?" Tenzin called out as the wind whipped around, throwing jars to the ground, shattering to pieces.

The water from the moon pool splashed around angrily.

"What's happening!?" Korra yelled, holding up her arms to shield herself from the wind.

Mako tried pushing against the wind to get closer to Rin, only to be shot backwards.

"MAKO!" Korra yelled as he flew past her.

Gritting her teeth Katara did her best to hold on, but in that moment. Rins eyes shot open, a bright white illuminating from them.

Katara shot backwards, but was easily caught by her son.

The ring of water broke and splashed on Rins face, making her gasp. The grey pupils coming back, as she slowly sat up.

Her eyes readjusting to the light, but her face turned to instant horror as she looked around.

The trashed room, the glass pieces scattered. Her eyes watering as she watched her father help up her grandmother, and Korra attending to Mako who hit his head of the ice wall.

"What have I done..." Rin barely uttered.


Her trembling body turned to her grandmother.

"Your seventh chakra point has been activated."

OKAY. Time for some explanations because I really don't have a plan and this story is sloppy.

-Rin has a HIGH spiritual level.
-When she loses control of her emotions, she loses control of her bending. Hence when she's upset, her bending becomes unstable.
-When she lost her bending, and Aang/the spirit world helped her. She felt in control. Because she had connected with her spiritual side which is something she has still yet to fully do.
-WHEN she transferred Korras bending back to her, it took all the spiritual connection she was given.
-Rin was left with her unstable bending again, being why it went wild.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2020 ⏰

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