Give em hell

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With both me and Korra exited to watch the boys compete tonight the day felt like it was moving in slow motion.

Korra was out practicing and I was trying to meditate, although I couldn't focus at all. I finally gave up with a sigh and decided to just do chores for the remainder of the day.

When night fall hit, I knew both my parents had fallen asleep I grabbed my glider and snuck out to korra's door and knocked 3 times signaling her it was me. The door quietly slid open, korra walked out all ready to go.

"Follow me and stay quiet." I whisper.
Korra nods her head and follows. We make it out back and I quickly open my glider.

"Alright Korra grab my waist." Korra did as she was told and with a hard kick from the ground both of us shoot up into the sky.

Korra let out a scream that soon turned into laughter as we glided over the ocean.

"This is amazing!" Korra yelled. I nod my head, "It sure is!"

Within a couple of minutes we landed in front of the doors to the arena. I closed my glider and attached it to my back.

We made our way up to the locker room and walked in, "Hey guys!" I smile but it soon falls as I noticed all the gloomy faces.

"What's going on guys?"

"Did we miss the match?" Korra asked.

Bolin shook his head slowly, "How come you guy look like you lost then?" Korra observed. 

"We might as well have, Hasook is a no show." Mako said annoyed.

My eyes widened then narrow, "I swear to the spirits if I see the green bean in a dark alley he won't make it out alive." I grit my teeth.

Mako softly chuckles at me. Suddenly, the referee came in the room.  "You guys have five minutes, if you're not completing you're out." the referee said and closed the door. 

"Well, there goes our chance to get into the championships." Mako sighed.  I take a seat next to him and put a reassuring hand on his back, he turns his head to me and softly smiles.

"I can join you guys," Korra suggested. 

My head snaps up at her.

My mind was now racing. First off, I was a little jealous she gets to play and second off my father would skin us alive if he found out she was here let alone if she competed!

"Isn't that technically cheating?" Bolin asked.

"Not if I only use water bending," Korra said.

"No way! I'd rather forfeit than look like a fool out there!" Mako argued.

I let out sigh, it's true, Korra doesn't know the rules but what other choice do we have?

"Are you guys in or out?" the referee asked,  "We're in!" Korra said happily.

I widened my eyes. "We are?" Mako and I ask at the same time. 

"Yup!" Korra said. 

"YAY!" Bolin shouted. 

This can't end well.

"Hey, I didn't agree to this!" Mako pointed to Korra who ran to the locker to get her uniform.

"You can thank me later." She smiled. Mako frowned and huffed, "This girl is crazy." 

I chuckled and grabbed his helmet from the bench and placed it on his head. "You get use to it. Just give her a chance, it's all I'm asking." I smiled as I locked the helmet in place. I keep my hands on the side of his helmet and look into his eyes through the protective glass.

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