Ill join.

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I'm sitting in the dark... I can't see anything. Suddenly 7 spotlights turn on one by one. In a line is Korra and the boys followed by my father and siblings on their knees. I tried to get up but I couldn't, I look from side to side seeing I'm held down by chains. I look back at everyone but this time Amon is in front of Ikki. I scream out, pulling on the chains trying to get free. But it's no use I'm forced to watch the ones I love get their bending taken away one by one. Once he finished with everyone he started making his way towards me, every foot step echoing in the room as he got closer and closer. He reaches for me and-

I shot up from my bed gasping for air. I heard a yelp from the side of me. I turn my head to see my mother with a damp wash cloth.

"Rin clam down. You're okay." My father try's to sooth.

I look around my room taking deep breaths, "What happened to everyone? Are they okay?"

"Everyone is alright. Korra is out training, the two others went home for the night."  My father says. I slowly nod my head and he sighs, "I'll go get you a cup of tea."

The room was quite for a moment before I mother spoke up, "Mako carried you all the way home, you know."

I look at her from the corner of my eyes then back down to my hands, "That was nice of him."

My mother giggled, "You know he wouldn't leave your side? Your father had to force him to go home and get some rest."

My mother stopped giggling when a tear slide down my cheek. She cupped her hands over mine and looked at me with concern, "Sweetheart, what's wrong?"

"I felt so powerless... I couldn't do anything mom... he was going to take my bending and I just froze. I've never felt so weak.

"You aren't weak Rin." My mother says firmly. "You are a brave, caring and beautiful young woman. You risked your own safety for your friends, that alone proves how strong your truly are." My mother finishes while hugging me.

I hug her back tightly but still careful of the baby.

My father came back in with my tea and started asking me a few questions, "Can he really take away someone's bending?"

I look down into the cup of tea, "He can. It was almost identically to grandpa Aang. It's terrifying."

My father nods his head then stands up and walks over to my bed giving me a kiss on the forehead, "Just rest now Rin. We'll talk some more in the morning."

My parents left the room, I set down my half drank cup of tea and laid back down.

I have a feeling things will only get worse.


Korra came into my room later that evening to tell me dinner was ready, I got out of bed and changed into some presentable clothes. Heading for the dinning room, I took my seat next to my father.

"We are grateful for this delicious food, for happiness, for compassion and-" 

"I'm not interrupting, am I?" 

We all looked up and at the door frame stood a man in fancy Water Tribe clothing who I recognized instantly as Tarrlok.

"This is my home, Tarrlok." My father said while standing up.

"We're about to eat dinner." 

"Good, because I am absolutely famished." Tarrlok smirked.

"Airbender's never turn away a hungry guest, am I right?" 

My father sighed, "I suppose." 

Tarrlok walked over to Korra. "Oh, you must be the famous Avatar Korra. It is truly an honor." Tarrlok bowed.

I rolled my eyes at him.

"I am councilman Tarrlok, representative from the Northern Water Tribe." Korra stood up and bowed to him, "Nice to meet you."

Tarrlok took a seat next to Korra. Ikki slid over, "Why do you have three ponytails? And how come you smell like a lady? You're weird." 

"Well aren't you... precocious?" Tarrlok responded before turning to Korra, "So, I heard about your adventures in the papers. Infiltrating Amon's rally — now that took some real initiative." 

"Oh, thanks." Korra said.

I look down at my food, now losing my appetite.

"I think you're the first authority figure in this city who's happy I'm here." Korea added.

"Republic City is much better off now that you've arrived."

"Enough with the flattering, Tarrlok. What do you want from Korra?" My father asked sternly. 

"Patience Tenzin. I'm getting to that." Tarrlok said with a sly smirk.

"As you may of heard, I am assembling a task force that will strike at the force of the revolution. And I want you and Lady Rin to join me." 

"Really?" Korra asked surprised.

"What?"  My father asked equally surprised.

"I need people who will help me attack Amon directly -people who are fearless in the face of danger, and those people are you two." 

"Join your task force?" Korra thought for a second.

"I can't."  We all held surprised faces.

"No offense Korra but I thought you would've jumped right on that." Tarrlok said. 

"Me too." My father said lowly. 

"I came to Republic City to finish my Avatar training with Tenzin. Right now I just need to focus on that." Korra told Tarrlok. 

"Which is why this opportunity is perfect. You would get on-the-job experience while performing your Avatar duty for the city." 

"Korra gave you her answer. It's time for you to go." 

Tarrlok faced me, "Hold on a second Tenzin. What about you Lady Rin?"

Everyone stopped and looked at me. I gripped the cloth of my clothes tightly as memories of Amon flash through my mind.

"I'll join."

I can't let Amon take anyone else's bending away.

Everyone held a shocked face.

My fathers face instantly grew with worry while Tarrlok smiled, "Thank you Lady Rin. As for you Korra I'm not giving up on you just yet." Tarrlok stood up from the table, "You'll be hearing from me soon Lady Rin. It has been a pleasure, Avatar Korra."  As I watched him leave the dining room, Ikki waved to him, "Bye-bye ponytail man!"

My father snapped his head towards me, "Rin what are you thinking!?"

Standing up from the table, "The faster he's behind bars the safer it will be." I turned and walked out the room.

But the truth is I don't think I'll be able to sleep soundly until he's put away. I don't want anyone else living with this fear.

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