5 - Friends

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Six long days have passed, nearing the end of the final selection.

We made out way to the top of the mountain, slowly climbing up rocks that blocked our path. The brunette pulled me up giving me a smile that made me peaceful.

As we walked we came across a couple of stray demons. They blocked our path taunting us and shouting useless threats. The demons were not strong and we quickly took them down, continuing along the dirt road.

Eventually, after hours of walking we made it to the wisteria trees. I smiled relief filling my whole body. I stopped to put my hands on my knees a giant smile across my face.

"Y/N?" Tanjirou questioned but I ignored him.

"Mom.." I whispered gripping my pink Haori, which was now covered in my own blood.

"I made it."


When we arrived I immediately looked around. I only counted 5 people, including myself.

'Only five out of the 20?!' I thought. The older boy looked down at me for a moment before directing his attention to the girls from before.

They congratulated us before raising their hands to the sky. All types of birds flew down, mostly crows. I opened my arm and a quetzal (picture at the end!!) landed on my hand. The bird with the long tail took me by surprise.

"Excuse me.." I whispered and the girls looked over to me.

"How exactly is this bird in Japan?" I asked. The rare bird comes from Latin America, I was unsure how they were here.

"We had a couple of those birds that were given to us as a gift. They were raised here in Japan, and we allowed them to choose a couple of demon slayers to be their personal messenge." She smiled and I nodded.

I looked over to the colorful bird and stroked the chin of my new companion. 'Choose its slayer huh?' I smiled to myself.

I was interrupted by a boy with a massive scar across his face screaming at the children. He threw his crow then stomped over to the two twins glaring down at them.

"THE BLADE!" He yelled as he punched one of the twins taking a fistful of her white hair into his hands.

The atmosphere dropped and changed from a calming one to a violent one.

I furrowed my brows as he gripped her hair. Quickly leaping into action I grabbed the boy's hair as Tanjirou grabbed the boys arm. The anger filled teenager scowled putting up a fight, resisting both of us.

"Don't move," I demanded.

Tanjirou at the same time threatened to break his arm. All three of us had a glaring competition before the kid with the mohawk spoke up.

"You can try if you dare!" He spat.

Precisely then Tanjirou squeezed his arm shattering his bone. I shoved the man back and he landed on his butt with a grunt. He clutched his arm as he glared up at us muttering some curse under his breath.

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