15 - I think I like you

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Ever since that day, my mind has been a mess. I haven't been able to focus.

"Y/N?" Tamayo asked and I peered up at her.

"Yes?" I replied and she smiled setting down a teacup in front of me.

"You seem spaced out, are you alright?"  she questioned sitting down next to me.

I nodded taking the tea from her. "Yes just tired" I lied.

I couldn't get my mind straight the question: 'Do I like Tanjirou' kept repeating over and over inside my head.

It was a battle between 'no way!' and 'do I?' it was making me dizzy. Standing up I thanked Tamayo for the drink and made my way out of the house. Walking to the backyard I sat under a tree stretching out my legs. My legs were covered in bruises and bandages from all the previous fights and training.

Staring down at my tattered skirt I sighed thinking about how I'd have to sew it before we go. My thoughts were interrupted by a certain brunette who took a seat next to me.

"Y/N?" Tanjirou asked and I looked up and gasped.

"W-When did you get there?" I stuttered and he smiled.

"Just now, I saw you were sitting alone so I joined you!" He replied and I felt my face heat up.

Smiling I continued the conversation. We talked for a while and he told me about how we had to leave tomorrow.

I was tired, I honestly wanted to stay for longer but I knew we couldn't. We had to go to our next job, and Tamayo and Yushiro had to get to safety. Ignoring the thought we continued our conversation, minutes passed and finally, we both went silent. Tanjirou's face went stern as he turned to me.

"Y/N, do you want to continue to travel with me?" He asked.

I didn't understand what he was saying at first, 'does he not want me to come?' I thought as I looked down at my knees.

"Every time you're with me you get hurt, I hate seeing you hurt." He confessed and I frowned.

I felt guilty, it wasn't his fault I could barely defend myself. I wasn't as strong as him so I always got hurt and in his way.

" It's not your fault I can barely fight." I sighed and he shook his head.

"No way!! You're extremely strong!" he was quick to comfort me but I just chuckled.

"I want to stay with you." I continued and he nodded.

"I like being with you, even if I get hurt. I don't want to leave you or Nezuko." I said a grin appearing on my face.

I felt warm when I was with him, he was like the sunshine to my darkness. Looking up at him I finally found the answer to my question:

'I do like Tanjirou, I like him a lot.'

My body moving on its own I crawled over to him and planted a small kiss to his forehead; returning the gesture from the other day. His eyes widened as I smiled sitting back down.

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