16 - A Pig Man?

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I pushed my way through the thick leaves following Tanjirous crow, we still had no idea where we were going or what would encounter. We had been traveling for a couple of hours since we met Zenitsu, he was pretty much silent company; minus the times he would jump at the slightest noise. Every time he would jump we would all panic and pull out our blades, only for us to realize he was scared about a cricket again.

I was walking when Tanjirou suddenly grabbed my wrist and guided me through the leaves. He smiled at me as I thanked him when we finally made it to the other side of the bush. When we looked around the area we saw a giant house in front of us. I inspected the house for a second before pausing when I heard a strange noise.

Putting my hand to my ear I listened to the noise, it was a strange noise; almost like an instrument?

"Tanjirou, there is a strange noise-" Both Zenitsu and me said at the same around the same time.

"I can smell blood, but there is another smell I've never encountered before," Tanjirou replied.

Just as we were about to fully search the area we heard a twig break behind us. I whipped my body around prepared for a fight, only to be met with two children clinging onto one another.

"Children?" Zenitsu asked and began to walk up to them.

I followed behind him, Tanjirou behind me. When we got close to the children they jumped and stepped back in fear. I put out my hand and looked behind me at Tanjirou who nodded at me.

We both approached the children, getting down on their level to hopefully make them feel less scared. It was successful as they seemed to stop shaking as much.

Holding out my arm, and Tanjirou his; My quetzal landed on my arm and Zenitsu's sparrow sat in the brunette's hand.

"TA-DA!" we cheered and the children looked us up and down, and then sat on the ground finally letting down their guard.

I smiled as I walked forward. Kneeling down I put my hand softly on the children's shoulders.

"What happened to your home?" I asked and they shook their head.

"I-Its not our home! The monster lives there!" The male child stuttered and I nodded looking behind me at Tanjirou.

"Our older brother was captured by the monster on our way home!" The boy cried and hugged onto his sister who was sobbing uncontrollably.

"You both followed them here? That's impressive, you two are unbelievably strong!" Tanjirou said and the children sniffled nodding.

"We followed his blood trail, he was badly injured!" He added on as I widened my eyes.

"Don't worry about it! We'll save him!" I cut in as I put my hand on their heads.

As I was about to continue speaking I heard the sound of a bell..? No, a drum! I turned towards the house and jogged towards Zenitsu.

"What is it?" Tanjirou asked but I ignored him cupping my ears.

'Boom... Boom.'

The drum was being hit over and over again, no pattern to it.

"I think there is a drum-" I was cut off.

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