10 - Little Cherry Blossom

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"I only get in the way."

I stared down at my knees not willing to make eye contact with the brunette. I felt an unpleasant feeling in my stomach, a feeling of guilt and embarrassment. Embarrassment for not being able to stick up for myself; and being injured by such a simple trick.

Tanjirou's smile faded but he held the eye contact I broke.

"I don't want you to leave."

I looked up at him and raised my eyebrows. I know we were friends but that response surprised me, 'surely someone aiming for big things would throw away useless baggage.. no?'

His eyebrows were furrowed and his mouth was twisted into a frown. I blinked a couple of times, my mouth agape.

"Really?" I spoke up and he immediately nodded his head.

"We are friends y/n, plus I like traveling with you." The last part was whispered but it made me smile.

I nodded back and looked over towards Kazumi who was sitting on the ground staring off into space.

Tanjirou walked over to Nezuko who was leaned up against the fence, asleep. He leaned in towards her and whispered words I tried to ignore, but heard with my good hearing. I watched as he held her for a couple seconds before getting up and walking over to Kazumi.

"Kazumi, are you alright?" My friend questioned the boy.

Kazumi stared blankly before shaking his head. Tears fell from his eyes as he looked up at the brunette. Tanjirous facial expression remained calm as he slowly began speaking to the boy.

"No matter how much you've lost, you can never stop living. You must continue to live even when its hard." His words were kind but straightforward leaving the older teen angry.

I stood up and walked up behind them, Kazumi out of anger grabbed my friend pulling his face towards his.

"WHAT WOULD KIDS LIKE YOU KNOW?!" He screamed his body shaking as he yelled. His eyes darted back and forth between us as he cried.

Listening to his words I frowned and looked away from Kazumi.

Tanjirou hesitated for a moment before grabbing the older boy's hand. He smiled standing up:

"Y/N, we're leaving." He looked over at me and I nodded following behind him.

Tanjirou stopped when Kazumi began to yell out his apologies. I stopped as well and gave the boy a smile before catching up with Tanjirou.

When we turned the corner Tanjirou stopped in his tracks. He clenched his fist and his breathing became uneven. I walked towards him and looked to his face which was stuck in a scowl, veins protruding from his forehead.

As I walked towards him it seemed like he didn't even realize I was there, he was so lost in his thoughts.

"Tanjirou." I spoke out placing my hand on his shoulder.

He immediately looked up but gave me this empty look; like he had failed to achieve something. Unsure of what troubled him I tightened my grip on his shoulder showing him a smile.

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