24 - Mt. Natagumo

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I opened my eyes to an empty room, sitting up I looked around. It took me a minute to remember what happened, and when I did I felt my heart stop. Laying back down on the ground I took the time to just stare up at the roof; my face was on fire.

"Tanjirou, likes me?" I whispered to myself.

I put my hand over my mouth and turned to my side curling into a ball. I put my knees to my chest and stared out into the garden, where everything took place. I laid there for a while before my thoughts were interrupted by my quetzal flying through the door.

I sat up and held out my arm which it gracefully landed on.

"Head to Natagumo mountain immediately! Do not delay!" He chirped and I nodded still in a daze.

It took me a moment to process what my companion had said, once I did I sprang to my feet.

Despite being a bit disappointed in not being able to relax more, work came first. I quickly stripped down from my large robe and put on my demon slayer corps uniform. I decided on wearing the pant version, considering it would be cold on a mountain. Pulling my pink socks over the pants I slid on my sandals and grabbed my pink Haori. Rushing out the door I grabbed my blade and made my way to the boy's rooms.

When I stepped inside they were finishing getting dressed. I greeted them and made my way over to Nezuko, who was sitting on the ground waiting for Tanjirou. I quietly sat down next to her and she took the liberty to lean on my lap. I felt my heart speed up as I began to stroke her long hair.

Time passed and the boys were finally finished. Zenitsu and Inosuke walked out the door and Tanjirou made his way over to me and Nezuko. He looked down at me and I gave him the warmest smile.

"Hi Tanjirou~" I cooed like a little girl and he gently laughed.

He made my heart flutter.

"Hello Y/N" He replied and got down on his knees.

He tapped Nezuko asking her to get off me, but she just whined and rolled over. I lifted my arms and fluttered my lashes in confusion.

He let out a long sigh but smiled. He moved his hands and placed one on Nezuko's head and the other on mine.

"Cmon you two, it's time to go!" He said and I felt my face heat up.

'He's perfect.' I thought as I nodded and patted Nezuko, she finally scrambled off me.

She returned to her box with a grunt and Tanjirou went to go secure Nezuko. I stood up and brushed my pants off and watched as Tanjirou picked up the wooden box. We walked out of the room and down the hallway, nobody spoke, we just enjoyed the silence. When we finally joined back with the group the old woman was waiting there for us.

She stood there with a wide smile, bidding us farewell.

"Thank you for your care." Both Tanjirou and I said bowing our heads to the lady.

She nodded and pulled out a rock. She began hitting the rock against a piece of flint, creating small sparks.

I smiled but that faded when Inosuke began to yell at the older woman.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING YOU HAG-" he screeched but Tanjirou grabbed him.


I swear I saw a vein pop out of the electric boy's head as he screamed at Inosuke. The boar boy calmed down and began to walk away, which we all followed.

"Please live your lives with your head held high, I wish you luck on your coming battles." She said as we all departed from her home.


After a couple of hours of walking, we finally arrived at our destination.

"Mount Natagumo" I breathed out.

Just as I predicted it was quite cold, considering our elevation.

Ahead of us stood the giant mountain covered in a large forest. Slowly walking towards it I came to a stop when Zenitsu yelled.

"WAIT!! It looks scary!" He whined and collapsed onto the floor.

"You really piss me off." Inosuke retorted to which I laughed.

My laugh was cut off when I heard footsteps and whimpering behind me. I whipped my body around and began running towards to forest, and as I thought out tumbled a demon slayer. He cried out as he clung onto his sword.

"S-Save me.." He croaked.

I began running closer and just as I was about to grab him his body flew up into the air. His bloody screams filled the air as his lifeless body was pulled back into the forest. Wide-eyed, I watched a member of my company disappear into the now horrifying forest.

The boys caught up to me and I felt Tanjirous hand on my shoulder.

"It seems we're dealing with something quite dangerous.." I said my voice low.

Everyone nodded in agreement.

"Let's go save him."

With that we descended into the dark forest.

Hello! I updateddd!!!
I hope u enjoyed this chapter, its back into the action!! Its so fun to write.

Tbh ive had an addiction to Grimes music recently, what is your favorite artist/artists/songs?!

Tbh ive had an addiction to Grimes music recently, what is your favorite artist/artists/songs?!

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Daily panel!! Inosuke is just HEJSHHSS I LOVE HIM SO!!💕


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