1 - Remembering

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I sat there crying, clutching my mom's cold hand. The color had long faded from her, her skin now a greyish color.

Hours passed as I sat there quietly whimpering over the loss of my family.

Over my crying, I heard footsteps. Looking up I was met with the face of an older boy. He had a black uniform on and a long sword on his side. His dark raven hair was tied back into a ponytail, and his haori was two-toned.

He looked down at me and kneeled extending his hand.

"What is your name?" He asked.

His face never changed as he peered down at me with a blank expression.

I stuttered, "Y/n."

He nodded and I reluctantly grabbed his hand. He pulled me to my feet and began walking away from where my mother laid.

"W-Wait! Sir, what about my mother?" I asked and he just shook his head. As he lead me away I realized just what had happened, my mother wouldn't come back. Ever.

~8 years later~

"Mister!" I yelled as the man carrying a bunch of boxes looked behind him.

"Let me help!" I smiled as I took a couple of boxes from him. The man could do nothing but smile and accept my offer.

"When did you get so strong little y/n?" He teased and I just smiled.

Ever since my mother passed away I did a ton of research. I figured out the 'creature' that killed my mother was none other than a demon. The people who fight demons were named "Demon slayers, " and work under a single person.

The company is unacknowledged by the government, meaning they have to perform their work on the down-low and without help.

Ever since that day, it's been my dream to join the corporation. I have been training and building up my strength and I managed to develop my own fighting style.

"Breath of the blossoms"

It was not perfect but I had managed to cultivate 10 styles of it.

The only thing I had to do was the final selection. I was packing my things and heading down the mountain tomorrow, that is where I would find the location for the final selection.


After setting the boxes down the old man looked up at me. His smile was soft as his eyes showed sorrow.

My heart began to rush as the old man grabbed my hand. "My dearest y/n, oh how you've grown. You look exactly like your mother." He smiled and I widened my now teary eyes.

The old man had offered to watch over me after my mother died. I declined his offer and tried my best to manage on my own. It was difficult to keep up with myself, and days would go by when I didn't eat a single thing.

On those days there would be strange baskets of fruit that would show up on my doorstep. I never had proof it was the aged man but I always had a feeling.

I never learned the elders name, but he was always in my memories. He was close friends with my mother, and they would walk the garden together occasionally.

"Thank you." I said the tears seeping out of my eyes.

The only man grinned, his smile bright and warm.

"She would be proud of you y/n."

The tears then began to flow out of my eyes at full force. The small number of tears turned into a whole break down as the elder held me.

He comforted me as I wept, not saying a word, just listening.


End of chapter 1!

The next chapter will be the beginning of the final selection where we meet zenitsu and tanji boyo!


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