8 - Disappearances

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Walking out the door we immediately began our journey north. The sun had already set which meant there were demons prowling, I had my hand resting on my blade just in case.

Luckily we made it to the village unharmed. Arriving nothing seemed off, the town was quiet and lively. Though when we began to walk around we realized just how many eyes were on us. We walked past an inn where a group of middle aged women began whispering about an injured boy.

"Kazumi, the poor boy."

"He was with Satoko when she was abducted-"

Looking over to Tanjirou, who also heard the gossip, he turned on his heels sprinting towards the bruised boy. I caught up them when Tanjirou spoke,

"Kazumi, I would like to inquire specifics about what happened recently; may I?"

The boy named "Kazumi" nodded and began to walk towards the site of the incident. We followed behind him.


"This is where she disappeared" Kazumi mumbled. Tanjirou nodded looking around for a moment but then dropped to his knees.

He began sniffing the ground like a puppy, I smiled a small chuckle escaping my lips.

"Don't worry, this is normal" I said to Kazumi. I smiled and Tanjirou looked back at me with a wobbly grin.

Hours passed and the sun was slowly disappearing. Tanjirou, who was still sniffing on the ground finally jolted up. He looked back at me before sprinting off.

"Kazumi, please stay here." I said and he nodded before I took off after Tanjirou.

The demon is around here. I thought as I followed Tanjirou. I caught up to him and he signaled to me and I followed his lead jumping onto a nearby roof.

Tanjirou looked down and jumped off the roof, I mimicked his actions. Landing on the ground the boy began to look around, I put my hands to my ears and closed my eyes. I was able to hear well, so I began Listening around me. When I heard a faint heartbeat below me I jerked my head towards the ground.

It hit us both as we grabbed out swords and stabbed into the ground. Black liquid suddenly oozed from the ground as a puddle leading to pitch-black fomed. Inside the puddle was an unconscious girl that I quickly went to grab.

A demon emerged from the darkness as I jumped back clutching the young girl I had managed to save. Tanjirou jumped in front of me and took up a defensive position. I put my finger to the girl's wrist, feeling for a pulse which responded positively.

"She's alive!" I exclaimed and Tanjirou nodded.

He began to shout questions at the demon, the demon didn't respond instead began gritting his fangs together. A screech like sound rang through the air making me cover my ears. Pushing down on my earlobes I tried my best to withstand the sound but it was like torture.

'Curse my good hearing at times like these!'

He suddenly stopped and I jumped into action. I grabbed the girl and handed her to Kazumi who despite my request had followed Tanjirou and me.

"Hold her, don't let her go," I demanded and he nodded inching closer to me.

The demons had disappeared and I held out my sword my eyes searching for any sign of them.

As if my thoughts were heard they appeared. Two surrounded Tanjirou but one was missing. Turning around I came face to face with a demon. He lunged me clinging onto my leg. He sunk his claws into my skin and I moved my sword to chop his arm off.

It flew off turning to ash. Stepping back I ignored the throbbing in my upper thigh and turned to Kazumi. I grabbed his arm and began to sprint away, guilt consumed me for leaving Tanjirou but I had to move these two out of the way. I ran him to the end of the street looking behind me at the brunette who was fighting two demons at once.

My eyes darted around, there were only two. One of the demons we're missing. I spun in a circle looking for them only for a puddle to open up underneath me.

"Young girl! You're fresh meat, let me eat you!" He said almost drooling.

Shivering I twisted my body loosening the grip on my ankle. I took the chance to leap back as the demon looked at me with a menacing smile. He slowly began inching towards me in his black water.

By now I was right next to Tanjirou who was busy with the two others. I continued to fight the demon who was practically throwing himself at me.

I took a deep breath and launched myself into the air  with my sword pulled back.

"Breath of the blossom fourth form,

slicing cherries!"

As I yelled I pulled my sword forward with enough force to chop off both his arms. The demon didn't see my quick attack and let out a small gasp. I went to chop off his head bur he quickly retreated back underground.

I took the opportunity to turn around and I realized that one of the demons were seconds away from slashing Tanjirou.

"Tanjirou! Behind you!" I yelled.

Before I could move the door to the box resting on Tanjirous back swung open. Nezuko had kicked the demon in the face sending it flying.

I ran over to Nezuko who had fully emerged from the box. I watched as she made her way over to Kazumi and the young girl slowly placing her hands on their cheeks. Despite Kazumi being so frightened the longer she stared at him he began to relax.

After she lowered her hands she turned around facing the demon she kicked. A vein popped out of her head as she sprinted at the enemy.

I stood watching the girl lowering my guard for a second. In that second my ankles were grabbed and I looked under me to see a dark puddle. I struggled but couldn't move, the hold the demon had on my legs were too tight. Panicking I looked over to my brunette friend who made eye contact with me


The sound of his scream was drowned out as I sank down into the black puddle.


😳she got CAUGHT!!

also lemme just cry really quick: I just hit 1k reads today and im like- this is a halloween MIRACLE- MDHHAS THANK YOU ALL SO SO SO MUCH FOR SUPPORTING ME AND THIS BOOK! I genuinely was thinking of deleting this book the other day because it was flopping and I had barely any motivation, but im glad I didnt.
💗ily all uwuwuuwuwu

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