31 - The Pillars

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Hours had passed and we finally made it back to what i'd assume to be the headquarters. We were taken to this open garden area and told to wait. Shinobu and Giyuu, who had made the trek back with us, were now standing behind us in silence.

I looked behind myself and my eyes lingered on Giyuu before I turned back to Tanjirou. The kakushi's had set him on the ground and were silently standing over him, most likely waiting for something. His arms were tied behind his back along with mine.

When I finally found my voice I looked over to a Kakushi who didn't immediately meet my gaze.

"Excuse me, " I quietly said.

They looked over to me and I continued.

"Would you mind removing the ropes around my wrist- I don't intend to do anything I just wish to help Tanjirou."

I looked down at the unconscious boy before looking back up at the two. They nervously glanced at one another before getting up and walking over to me. They removed the ropes from my wrist and I thanked them rubbing the sore skin.

I soon realized just how much our company had grown. Without me realizing many others had appeared in the garden, all looking vastly different from the other. I was a bit taken aback but did my best to ignore them and went to help Tanjirou.

"Tanjirou-" I began and gently shook his shoulder.

"Wake up-" I mumbled again when I realized the atmosphere was shifting from one of curiosity to impatience.

"Tanji-" I began again but I was pushed away by an impatient kakushi.

"WAKE UP BASTARD!" He snapped and began aggressively shaking the boy.

I was about to intervene when Tanjirou awoke.

He woke up with a start and frantically looked around. His eyes darted to everyone in the garden before landing on me, when they did he settled for a moment.

"Kamado Tanjirou."

I turned around to see Shinobu had stepped forward and addressed Tanjirou. The smile never left her face.

"This is the headquarters of the demon slayers, you are being put on trial right now."

I looked over to Tanjirou who was paying no attention to the pillars but searching around, likely for Nezuko.

I leaned down and placed my hand on his upper back which stopped his frantic searching. He looked up at me and I pressed my lips into a thin line.

I was honestly in a state of confusion. After the battle I barely had time to recover, I haven't slept in hours and there were so many new faces around me.

"Anyways, what are we going to do about Tomioka?"

A snake-like man pointed his finger over to where Giyuu was standing.

"Why isn't he bound? According to Kochou, Tiomoka also broke the corporation rules. How will we deal with him, how will we make him suffer?" The man asked and I looked over to Giyuu who had no expression.

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