7 - Child of Burning Crimson

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~2 weeks later~

Opening the sliding door, I took a deep breath of fresh air, the air in the mountain was thin but refreshing. With a smile on my face I set down the basket of clothing I was asked to hang up.

I crouched down to pick up the clothing in the basket, only to look in front of me and see a man walking towards the small hut.

Confused, I called over Tanjirou. He came jogging over and I pointed to the man walking up to us. He wore a large hat that covered his face, decorated around the edges we're glass wind chimes. He walked up to where I stood and didn't say a word.

"Windchimes?" Tanjirou questioned as I tilted my head to the side to try and glace at the man's face.

"My name is Haganezuka, and I forged both of your Nirichin blades." He suddenly spoke. Watching him immediately crouch down in the dirt I invited him inside but he ignored me continuing to unwrap the cloth off the wooden boxes.

Eventually, after both Tanjirou and I demanded he come inside he did. Taking a seat next to the table he placed two boxes on the ground. Tanjirou asked him to look up and he did, his face covered with a strange mask; similar to Urokodaki's mask.

"Ahh, you're the child of burning Crimson, this is such a strange meeting place." He spoke.

I looked over to Tanjirou, who wore a confused face.

'Child of the burning Crimson? What a beautiful title.'

My cheeks flushed a bit at the thought and I smiled at the boy.

Tanjirou was quick to deny the title, but the man insisted that his blade would turn red because of the name. The sword-smith handed the brunette his sword which Tanjirou grabbed and held it out in front of him. The blade began to change in seconds, to a dark pitch black.

"BLACK?!" Everyone exclaimed. I was personally shocked, the dark color not suiting the bubbly boy at all.

Haganezuka was not pleased and began to curse at the young boy asking him why it was such a dark black. I giggled watching the scene unfold, Tanjirou being shaken around by the angry man. Urokodaki was quick to shut down the argument, and insisted on me getting my turn.

"Now Miss-" he paused.

"Y/N," I cut in with a grin.

"Miss y/n," he repeated,

"I added the small blossom design to the handle like you said to do. I had a lot of fun forging your blade and I'm extremely proud of it." He said in a cocky tone.

After flattering himself he handed me the blade. It was a long blade that slightly curved at the end. The sword was thin and easy to carry.

All of my attacks we're quick attacks, so I needed something light to keep up with my speed.

Opening the box I gasped at the beautiful sword that laid before me. I picked it up and held it out in front of me.

The blade turned to a light pink ombre. The color was faded at the front but darker and prominent at the tip. Smiling I ran my fingers over the metal.

"I love it!" I exclaimed gripping the handle.

He gave me a thumbs up and I turned my attention back to the pink blade. I stood up and took out my old blade replacing it with my new one. My sheath which held the new sword was decorated in painted flower petals which matched with the grey handle.

I looked over to my left, where Tanjirou sat being chewed out by the older man. I began laughing but it was suddenly interrupted by Tanjirous crow and my Quetzal.

Holding out my arm my bird landed and I caressed his chin.

"CAW! Tanjirou, y/n, head north east!!"

'The crow spoke..?'

I gave my attention to the bird who was speaking.

"CAW! remember this well: young girls are disappearing in the North Eastern town!"

The bird ended its sentence and began circling around the house. I looked over at Tanjirou and we both nodded in unison.

Rushing into the room I was given, I quickly changed into my new clothes. My pink Haori, which was my mother's, rested on my back. Underneath was my demon slayers' uniform, the black dress cutting off midway at my thigh. My thigh high socks we're pink, matching my Haori and I wore black sandals to tie it all together.

Looking at myself I tightened my belt and headed out the door. Tanjirou was already ready, kindly asking Nezuko to move into the box. I smiled and before he closed the door I got down onto my knees in front of her box.

"Nezuko?" I asked and she was looked up at me. I smiled and quickly took the cherry blossom hairpin out from my hair. I grabbed a piece of her raven hair and clipped it in.

"Beautiful!" I cheered and her doe eyes looked up to me in thanks.

Giving her a pat on the head I stood back up before slowly closing the door to the box. I turned over to face Tanjirou.

"I wanted to give her something, to show I support you both." I said giving him a big smile.

He returned my smile with soft eyes and a small grin.

"Thank you, y/n." He quietly said and I smiled back.

"Of course."



okay so like- thank u for 800 almOST 900 reads thats insane and literally- MDHAJJSS i maybaps have cried.

Sorry this chapter is poopy I didnt know how to start it and kinda had a bit of writers block ):

also this chapter is 1000 words aaaa

Fun fact: Y/N thinks nezuko is the most beautiful creature on earth.

Fun fact: Author is an inosuke, Giyuu, Rengoku, Shinobu and Mitsuri stan c: (and a manga reader kmn)


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