Chapter 33: He Did It Again

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Chapter 33: He Did It Again

Nina’s POV

I curled the blankets on my comfortable bed around my body, my cheeks burning from all the tears that had been rolling down them. It had been a week since Dylan left me and today was the last day of school before Winter Break. I wasn’t even happy that it was Christmas; Dylan ruined it for me. The pain was so hard to deal with; it felt just as horrible as the first time he left me. It sucked, David sucked, love sucked, Dylan sucked, everything sucked…

My brother and sister had been checking up on me every day after school, trying to pull me out of bed, and sometimes they would succeed, coaxing me to eat food but other times I just refused. My bed was way too comfortable to move from.

It was almost time for my brother and sister to get home from practice and I was waiting for them to barge into my room like they usually did, filling me in on everything that happened at school that day, Amber sometimes staying after Ryder left to tell me how Dylan was doing. Apparently, he was worse than I was. He was barely talking to anyone and pushing all the girls who had heard about our breakup away from him. He was even sucking at basketball which was a surprise because he was good at every sport he did.

I had been having some serious déjà vu from the last time I had to stay home from a concussion, except this time my heart was broken and so were some of my bones.

“Okay, we have had enough of you moping around!” Emily’s strong voice rang through my room and sunlight flooded my eyes as someone pushed open the curtains. I groaned, burying my head under my blankets and pillows. “Come on, get out of that bed,” She ordered firmly, pulling back my blankets and dropping them beside my bed.

“Leave me alone,” I mumbled, covering my eyes with my arm. This was worse than when Amber and Ryder came home and were trying to get me to eat.

“Yuck, when was the last time you showered?” Nicole squealed, backing away from my crumpled up body.

“I don’t know,” I rolled my eyes, making a face at them when I tore my arm away from my face.

“Well come on, time to shower.” Emma coaxed, pulling me lightly from the bed. I wasn’t helping as I kept my body limp, falling back every time she lifted me. “Ugh come on Nin, you can’t mope around forever.”

“Maybe not forever, but for now, I’m okay with moping,” I retorted crossing my arms over my chest as I sat up against my headboard.

“Let’s go,” Emily then roughly pulled me from my sitting position to the floor, making my casted ankle flop against the floor.

“Ow!” I complained, snatching my arm from Emily’s hand standing up on my own. “You’re a bitch,” I glared at her, grabbing the crutches that were resting against the side wall.

“It got you up, didn’t it?” She grinned, shooing me towards the bathroom.

The door to Dylan’s old room that was connected to the bathroom stayed shut but as I looked at it, I felt a longing pain in my heart. Fuck him. My subconscious stuck her chin up in the air and ‘hmphed’ before she turned away from the door.

But I miss him. I whispered in my head, before taking off my clothes and putting on something that resembled a plastic bag over my two casts on my wrist and ankle to shield them from the water.

Here goes nothing…


After the refreshing shower, and the girls making me look decent for the first time since last week, Nicole drove us all to the nearest diner. After the diner, we planned on going to the mall to buy all our last minutes Christmas presents since Christmas was just in two days.

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