When It Comes Down To It

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After that, Scorpius does his best to keep conversation away from what happened. I don't mind, because I know he's scared. I'm scared too, and I don't want to force it on him. To be honest, I don't want to think about the Owlery either. I feel like I'm on the verge of falling. I don't want to do it when Scorpius is around. It isn't fair on him.

About half an hour after he wakes up, the Hospital Wing doors open and we both break off as Draco walks in, striding the length of the room and sitting next to me.
"Dad? What are you doing here?"
"I asked the school to let me know if anything happened to either of you," Draco says. "And I'm glad I did."
"Me, as well?" I can't help but ask.
"Yes," Draco nods. "Seeing that your family didn't seem to worry when you were unwell last year, I thought I would ask after you on their behalf."
"Thank you," I say quietly.
"May I ask what happened?"

I glance at Scorpius and he nods silently, starting to fiddle with his bedsheets. I swallow, starting to explain what happened, trying to piece together all of it, between Scorpius' explanation and my own memory.

Draco doesn't interrupt me, nodding and listening in silence. When I'm done, he starts to ask questions, but slowly, patiently. He doesn't get angry at any point, and he accepts the answers that Scorpius and I manage to piece together.
"This boy," he says after he's finished questioning the sparks, "how many times has he attacked you?"
"This is the first time he went after Scorpius," I say. "And last time he came after me was nearly a year ago now."
"Do the teachers know?"
"Yes, but it's not like they ever did anything before," I mutter. "Zack stayed away because Rose threatened him, and now James has promised to kill him if he comes after us again. I think he was serious."
"Right," Draco nods slowly. "As long as the two of you are safe."
"We won't be safe if he tells other people what happened," Scorpius mutters.
"You said he called me a freak," Scorpius says quietly. "He'll tell other people. And the conclusion they'll land on is that stupid bloody rumour."
"Shit," I breathe, biting my lip.

He's right. Of course he's right. Once it gets out, people are going to come after us again. It won't be as bad as before, because the younger years mainly leave us alone. But the fourth years haven't been pleasant this year.
"Will this become an issue?" Draco asks.
"We'll survive," Scorpius shrugs. "They'll mostly be after me, so–"
"You are not taking this fall," I interrupt sharply.
"No. No. You're not taking this fall when it isn't your fault."
"It isn't your fault either."

I stop short, biting my lip again. I don't want to tell him that I don't, and can't, believe that, because I know that I could have done something. I could have stopped some of this if I'd tried a bit harder. I don't know how. But somehow.

I could have.

"Neither of you are taking any fall," Draco says firmly. "We will sort any mess out if it comes to that. You two are going to concentrate on your exams, and then on enjoying your last few weeks of this year."

We both nod and Draco smiles. He's right. It shouldn't be a decision over who we're going to throw in front of the fist. It should be the knowledge that we won't let that happen to either of us. And if it did, I think the combined anger of everyone looking out for our safety could bring a building down.

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