Prefer Not To Be Social

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When my mind swims back to consciousness, everything starts to hurt. Or maybe it was already hurting. My chest aches where they kicked me so hard that I think my ribs broke. It's too warm for us to still be in the alcove, and from what I remember being awake for, Rose stopped them. I'm not really sure.

I open my eyes slowly, wincing as I draw breath. It's quite bright and I blink a few times to adjust to the light. Scorpius is sat next to me, writing while leaning on a book. He looks up as I pull myself more upright, grimacing.
"Hey," I mumble.
"Albus," Scorpius smiles and I feel my heart flutter. "How are you feeling?"
"Like hell," I mutter, smiling weakly. "What about you?"
"Glad you're awake," Scorpius nods. "Really, really glad."
"Scorpius," I start to sit up but Scorpius puts a hand on my shoulder to stop me.
"In Rose's words," he smiles, "they beat the shit out of you. Please just stay lying down."

I smile at him, obliging and looking up at the ceiling. He came to help me. Rose came to save us both. And I have done nothing to deserve that.
"Thank you," I say quietly. "You came back for me. Thank you."
"I was worried about you," Scorpius shrugs as if it's nothing. "After last night, and when I couldn't find you..."
"I'm sorry," I say. "I'm so sorry about last night. I shouldn't have shouted. I'm really sorry."
"It wasn't your fault, Albus," Scorpius mumbles. "You were scared and I think I know why you were scared of me."
"I shouldn't have shouted at you, Scorpius," I say firmly. "I need you, so, so much. I'm sorry."
"I'm sorry I did – that – when I knew it would scare you," Scorpius murmurs.

I nod, reaching out my towards him. I need him now. He takes my hand and I close my eyes. He's okay with the mess that I am. He's okay with me and that is what I need. I hope it's what he needs, or at least once.

A soft sound echoes around the room as the door opens and Rose walks in, sitting down on the edge of my bed. I smile weakly at her and she smiles back. Her knuckles are slightly bruised and I feel my stomach sink. That was probably to defend us, defend me.
"Are you okay?" I mumble.
"Yes," Rose nods. "Got a detention but Neville seemed reluctant about it.."
"When?" I frown. "We're going home tomorrow."
"September, if they actually remember."
"Thank you for stopping them."
"You're very welcome," Rose grins. "And they won't bother you again."
"Are you sure?" Scorpius says.
"Pretty much," Rose nods. "Listen, Albus."
"What are we going to tell your parents?"
"What do you mean?"
"They've been notified about – this," Rose explains, "though, because you're okay, they're going to wait to see you tomorrow."
"Probably better that way," I'm not entirely sure why I'm so relieved, but it's a nice feeling.
"But seriously, Albus, what do you want them to know about this?"
"Is there more than this?" Scorpius interjects. "Was this not a one-off?"
"No," I start to sit up, grimacing in pain. "No. Things have – happened – before."
"Things like this?" Scorpius says, somewhat angrily.

I shake my head, looking down awkwardly. He has a right to be pissed off with me. This was not a secret I should have kept from him. But it was a secret I kept for months.
"Did you know?" Scorpius looks at Rose.
"It's my fault," I say quickly. "Scorpius, I'm sorry. I mean, really, really sorry. I know I should have told you, but it didn't seem like a huge problem and you were always trying to cope with your own issues. It's never been bad enough to mention."
"When?" Scorpius' voice cracks.
"After Craig's funeral," I murmur. "When you were last in the Hospital Wing. A couple of other times."
"When did Rose find out?"
"When you were in the Hospital Wing. She stopped them. I asked her not to tell you."

Scorpius nods, accepting this, and I swallow nervously. He moves to perch on the edge of my bed and wraps his arms around me gently. I wince slightly at the sharp ache in my ribs, but I don't say anything. He needs this as much as I do.

After he pulls away, Rose stands up, smiling at both of us. She laughs as Scorpius turns around to re-fluff my pillows. He smiles, somewhat apologetically, at me and I smile back.
"I'm heading to the feast," Rose says.
"I'll stay," Scorpius says quickly, looking at me.
"Are you planning on eating?" I raise my eyebrows.
"I don't want to leave–"
"Go and get something to eat," I say firmly. "Please."
"I'll get something and bring it back."
"As long as you eat."
"See you in ten minutes."

I watch him and Rose walk to the Hospital Wig door, allowing myself a small, secret smile. He hugged me. In front of Rose. I don't know how I feel about him. I don't know whether I 'like' him. But right now it doesn't seem that liking him would really be too catastrophic. Not in my head, anyway.

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