Rose Wood

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We spend the majority of the week revising. True to my word, I don't complain (because it is actually quite fun to revise with Scorpius), and true to his word, he doesn't bring up that minor incident. It wasn't that embarrassing, if I'm being honest, but I still do not want to think about it.

We evolve into a fairly consistent routine of waking up (I'm now sleeping on a mattress in Scorpius' room), eating breakfast, and then starting to revise. Scorpius has, unsurprisingly, made a brilliant revision plan, so I just work from that.

After lunch, we pack up and head down to the swing to work some more, and get a decent amount of fresh air. The roses that Draco gave us are proving their magical-ness very effectively. They always look as fresh as they did on the day Scorpius laid them, and the one that I planted has already begun to snake around the tree.

I think it helps Scorpius. He seems calmer by the swing, like his whirlwind of activity has calmed down a little. It has occurred to me before that it was all a façade to stop him from concentrating too hard on anything, but I've never said or done anything. I've never known what to say or do.

He's still incredibly enthusiastic while studying, which always brings a smile to both of our faces. I'm fairly sure I could watch him forever when he's smiling. And I would spend forever trying to make him smile.

In the evenings, Draco insists that we do something unrelated to school. I have no objections with what Scorpius suggests, and we end up, every night, curled up together while watching various Disney films. I'm fairly sure we watch Mulan at least three times, and those are the only times that Scorpius doesn't fall asleep before the end of the film. He sleeps a phenomenal amount.

On the Thursday morning, I notice a large number of poetry books on his shelf and I ask him about them. He explains quietly that they belonged to his mum and he read a lot of them to her over her last summer.
"Oh," I nod. "Oh. I'm sorry, Scorp."
"It's okay," Scorpius murmurs, standing up. "I think it helped her. She liked it."
"I'm glad."

He walks to the shelf and runs a finger along the spines, before pulling one away, holding it with shaking hands as he comes to sit again. I place my hands on his and he looks at me, biting his lip.
"Can I read?" he whispers.
"Yes," I nod. "If you want to."

Scorpius nods and opens the book slowly. He turns to a marked page and take a deep breath. I place a hand on his leg, smiling softly at him. He smiles back nervously as he starts to read.
"I am spending my time imagining the worst that could happen.
"I know this is not a good idea, and that, being in love, I could be
"spending my time going over the best that has been happening."

He pauses, a tear running down his cheek as he smiles to himself, shaking his head.

"She used to say," his voice cracks. "She used to say that it reminded her of dad. She said that he always thought the worst was going to happen – back when they first started dating. But then she'd told him about the curse and he'd just – stopped. Within moments, he stopped thinking 'what might happen' and started living. Living properly. For her."
"She sounds like the most amazing, strong person you could ever hope to meet. I'm sorry, so sorry, that you lost her. It isn't fair on you."
"I think I'm starting to find her again," Scorpius says quietly.
"What do you mean?"
"I shut so much away," Scorpius murmurs, staring forwards. "And then you came and all the things I wanted to show you, they're leading me back to her. The things she loved, I loved. Everything I've been too scared to consider for years. I – I think she'd like you. Thank you."
"You're welcome," I smile. "I'm glad you're finding her again. And that she'd like me."

He nods, placing an arm over my shoulder gently. And then, half a moment later, I go to peck his cheek. He turns his head and our lips connect, slow, soft. Caring.

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