Justifiable Reasoning

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Scorpius sleeps for a long time when we get him to the Hospital Wing. I stay with him while James goes with whatever teacher that turned up, to explain what happened. Once he's done, he comes back, still muttering something about murdering Zack. I don't try and interfere. It's not worth trying to stop him when I want it too.

No. I don't want to kill him. I just want him to stop, and if that happens through threats and fear, then I'm more than happy to let James do the honours.

We sit silently, staring forwards, and I spend most of my time watching Scorpius quietly. The sparks are long gone, but he's as white as a sheet and bruises are starting to form on his wrists.
"Has Zack bothered you recently?" James asks quietly.
"Not before today," I mutter. "Not since last summer."
"It would do him good to get shit kicked out of him every once in a while."
"Don't," I say. "Scorpius wouldn't want more people getting hurt."
"He wouldn't," James agrees, "but if someone comes after you again, I will gut them."

I smile softly and he stands up. I don't object, because I'm aware that he's got a shedload of revision to do. He says goodbye, giving me a quick hug, and I smile again.

He goes and I return my attention to Scorpius, who is still asleep. His breathing has long since returned to normal, which I'm very grateful for. He needs time, a bit more time, and I think I do too. And we have time. After these exams, we'll have months. And if that isn't enough, we'll still be okay.

About twenty minutes later, Scorpius starts to stir and I smile as his eyes flutter open. He sits up slowly, groaning as he stares around himself.
"We're in the Hospital Wing?" he frowns.
"Yeah," I nod. "You – you passed out."
"In the Owlery," I don't go into detail immediately.
"I was – he took me there?"
"What do you remember?"

That's probably the best question to ask and answer. To establish what he knows, and fill in gaps. And ask him if he has any ideas about any of it. He's probably got more of an idea than I do.
"I was going to the library," Scorpius says quietly. "He cornered me and asked me where I was going. I said the Owlery because – I think – if you heard – you'd know something was wrong. I don't know. It was a desperate thought.
"I started to panic and I can't really remember much more than that. I was scared. I thought...I don't know...what happened?"

I take a deep breath, trying to order my thoughts. This needs to make sense, even though it doesn't in my head. It needs to make sense.
"I went to find you," I murmur, "and you were at the window. You weren't responding and Zack appeared. He just generally got in the way while I was trying to take you back to the Common Room, and you – I'm not really sure. I think – I think you thought I was – Antlia. You wouldn't let me near you."

I continue to explain, mentioning the sparks and trying to explain what they did when he fell. He remains silent, not questioning any of it while I'm talking. I think he knows I've got no idea what happened.
"So," he sighs as I finish. "What happened with Alderton?"
"James threatened to kill him. I told him not to. He says that's only going to stand if we're safe."
"Okay," Scorpius nods. "Yeah, okay."
"Scorpius," I start slowly.
"Talk to me? If you need to. Please."
"What do you mean?"
"You scared me," I say quietly. "Up on the Owlery, you really scared me. We don't talk about what that woman did to you. I don't want to push you. But please don't bottle it up."
"I don't want to worry you."
"I'm more scared when shit like this happens," I point out. "Look, Scor. I know it's scary for you. I don't want to push you. But please talk to me if you need to."
"Okay," Scorpius nodded. "Yeah. Okay."
"Are you all right?"
"I'm scared," he admits. "Those sparks? Wandless, out-of-control magic? It's scary."
"We'll work it out," I promise. "It'll be okay."
"But what if that means – what if the rumours–"
"Bullshit," I say sharply. "The rumours are utter bullshit. You are just an amazing person and good at magic."
"You think?"
"Of course I do.

He nods, smiling nervously. I smile back, taking his head.

"Okay," Scorpius nods. "Okay."

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