Only When Desperate

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I almost run into the room, half-stumbling to a halt as I look around. It's a reasonably-sized room and a fire is burning in the corner, a chair opposite it. The walls are reasonably plain, though there are a few spots on them, close to the fireplace, deep red and brown in colour.

And in the middle of the carpet, oh shit, in the middle of the carpet, lies Scorpius, limbs stuck out at awkward angles. He's unconscious and injured, and Draco closes the door as I crash to the floor beside him, looking at what they've done to him. His visible arm is covered, from elbow to fingertips, in violent red splotches that are beginning to form blisters. It looks like a burn, but looking at it, even for a second, makes me feel physically sick, so I try to concentrate on his face instead.

It's a little bruised and there's some dried blood around his nose, but other than that, he looks all right. But it's not about how he looks, because I am well aware that their favourite curse doesn't have a visible mark.

Draco kneels next to me, pulling out his wand as he takes Scorpius' injured wrist. I move away slightly, giving him space to work as he conjures a bandage and begins to wind it around Scorpius' arm gently. When that's done, he turns Scorpius over and picks up his wand.
"Enervate," he mutters.

Scorpius' eyes flutter open slowly and he stares upwards, his gaze landing on his dad first. When it does, he seems to come alive properly, attempting to sit up, but falling back.
"Dad!" he says quickly. "Dad. What's going on? Where are we? Delphi – where's Delphi? She–"
"Shhh," Draco murmurs, taking Scorpius' uninjured hand. "It's going to be okay."
"Where are we?"
"Rowle Manor."

Scorpius nods, and then his eyes scream with panic. He tries to sit up, grimacing in pain.
"Albus, where's Albus?"
"I'm here," I kneel next to him quickly. "I'm here, Scorpius."
"Did they hurt you? Are you okay?"
"I'm fine," I say quietly. "I'm – I'm so sorry I did that. You got hurt and I...I fucked up. I'm so sorry."

Scorpius opens his mouth to speak, and then his eyes fill with fear again. He starts to look around quickly, trying to move away from us.
"Get away!" he near-shouts. "You can't be here. You need to leave..."
"Scorpius," Draco attempts to keep his voice calm. "Scorpius, what are you doing?"
"You need to run! You need to get away!"
"Scorpius–" I try to step towards him, offering him my hand.
"Run!" he shrieks. "Albus, please. Please!"

I look at Draco and he nods towards the door. So, despite everything in my mind screaming at me to do otherwise, I step backwards. One step. Another step. Another step. Until I'm about to reach the door.

And then I stop. I stop as the door slams shut, and I turn to see who else is here. Whoever it is, I will be fighting an instinct to curse them. Because they hurt Scorpius. They are the reason Scorpius is terrified out of his fucking mind.

When my gaze lands on the person, I struggle to contain my anger. The woman has long black hair, drawn up in a messy ponytail and she's wearing a dark jacket. She grins at me, pulling her wand out. I don't move. I don't dare.
"Afternoon, Albus."

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