A Million Mistakes Later

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I stop waiting after another hour goes past. I don't know what I'm planning on doing if I succeed, but I kneel down by the door, pushing the hairpin into the lock. I try to twist it and not very much happens. So I keep trying. A simple glance back at Scorpius tells me all I need to know. We need to get out.
"Albus," Scorpius is sat back against the wall. "Albus, stop. You won't be able to open it. And even if you can, they – she – might be out there."
"I need to try," I insist, not looking up. "I am not going to let them hurt you."

I continue trying to fiddle with the lock, trying to remember the demonstration uncle George gave me one Christmas. I really wish I'd paid a little more attention. Then again, I never imagined that it might have saved lives one day.

I stop short as the lock starts to click. When the sound continues, I back away quickly. They're unlocking the door. If I walk away, maybe they won't notice. Maybe they won't hurt us. Maybe they won't hurt him.

I do my best to keep my breathing vaguely steady as Rodolphus walks through the door, his wand raised. We don't say anything. I can feel tears forming in my eyes. I fucked up. I fucked up so badly.
"You know, Albus," Rodolphus smirks, "if you wanted to get out, you should have been a little more subtle."

He strides towards me and I stumble backwards as Euphemia follows him in, also smirking at the situation. Something inside my head is screaming, clawing and fighting, and I can't stop it, can't get rid of it.
"It was my idea," Scorpius blurts.
"No!" I stare at him. "No!"
"I suggested picking the lock."
"Did you?" Rodolphus grins.

My feet are almost frozen to the floor as he walks forward, seizing Scorpius by his jacket front and dragging him to his feet. My mind is frozen. Whatever is inside my head is tearing me apart. They're halfway across the room when I start to run after him, pulling sharply on Rodolphus' sleeve, screaming at him to stop. But he doesn't, shoving me away as he throws Scorpius forward. I scream out as Scorpius hits the door frame and blood begins to trickle out of his nose.
"Stop. Please."

Rodolphus doesn't, forcing Scorpius forward into the front hall. He stumbles, trying to wipe the blood away from his mouth. I try to run towards him as my head clears suddenly, but Euphemia grabs my hood, forcing me to stop sharply.
"Do not move," she hisses in my ear, "unless I tell you to."
"Get...get off me," I mutter, trying to fight her off.

She holds me firmly and Rodolphus walks toward Scorpius, his wand outstretched. Scorpius scrambles backwards, the fear on his face all too obvious. I can feel my heart pounding out of my chest as I watch ropes appear around his wrists. I made him a promise. I need to keep my promise.
"It wasn't his idea!" I shout. "I pick the lock. He tried to stop me."
"Did he?" Rodolphus turns to look at me.
"No," Scorpius says, spitting blood. "No...my...my idea..."
"Would you look at that?" Rodolphus smirks. "I thought the best of friends would never argue."

Neither of us respond to that and Rodolphus walks back towards Scorpius, crouching down next to him. Euphemia grabs my hair and forces my head back to stop me from diving between the two of them.
"Please," Scorpius whimpers. "Please..."

When his screams ring through the hall, my knees buckle and I crash to the floor, seconds after he does. Euphemia doesn't stop me as I crawl towards his shaking, sobbing form, tears rolling down my cheeks.
"Stop!" I scream desperately. "Please! Stop!"

Scorpius' cries morph into sobs and I pull myself to him, cradling him in my arms. They laugh as he falls into me, unable to hold himself up properly, and I wrap my arms around him as best I can, shielding him.

Rodolphus walks towards us and I stare up at him defiantly. He smirks, grabbing the back of my jacket and attempting to force me to my feet. I don't move, continuing to hold onto to Scorpius, who is mumbling something. And then Rodolphus crouches down beside me.
"I would suggest," he murmurs softly in my ear, that obeying me would be a good way to prevent him from getting him."

I look at Scorpius again, trying to work out if he's telling the truth. Before I get the chance, however, Rodolphus forces me away from Scorpius, who collapses.
"Albus," he croaks. "Albus..."
"Oh, he'll be fine," Euphemia laughs, pulling me from Rodolphus and shoving me towards a chair at the edge of the hall.
"No!" I scream, thrashing about madly. "No! Scorpius!"
"Test," Scorpius looks at me. "This..."
"No!" I snap. "No! We passed! We..."

I don't finish as Scorpius screams again, writhing and sobbing on the floor. I can't move – Euphemia has an iron grip on my jacket. I have to force my gaze away from Scorpius to look up at her. She isn't watching me and I start to unzip my jacket, trying to keep my movements subtle. I can't fuck this up.

Through some stroke of mercy, she doesn't notice and I tear away from her, leaving her holding my jacket as I crash to the floor next to Scorpius again, wrapping my arms around him.
"Run," Scorpius mumbles into my chest. "Albus, run..."
"If you are so desperate to protect him," Rodolphus drags Scorpius to his feet, pushing him towards Euphemia, who has come forward again, "I'm happy to oblige."

I stare up at him, continuing to attempt to be defiant. I don't care how much he hurts me. I will not let them hurt Scorpius again.
"Stand up."

I obey, glancing at Scorpius, who is being restrained by Euphemia. It doesn't look as if she's got a difficult job. Scorpius can barely stand.
"Turn around and kneel down."

I turn around, but I don't kneel, my thoughts racing. I felt so sure that he wasn't going to kill us. Surely he won't. Surely that would be a disadvantage to them.

Although, as long as Scorpius is alive, they still have their leverage.

I crash to my knees as the bile rises in my throat. They're going to kill me. I'm about to die. I don't want to die. Not now. Not after I've survived everything. I don't want to leave Scorpius. I want him to know how I feel. I want him to know that I love him. If I have to die, I don't want to die without him knowing that.

But I won't beg. I won't give him the excuse to hurt Scorpius. I will protect him. I will protect the boy I love.

White-hot, searing pain shoots through every inch of my body and I fall from my knees, screaming as I hit the floor. I can't think properly, can't convince myself this is okay. I just want it to stop. I need it to stop. But I can't stop it. Even as my body and mind beg, I can't. I have to take this. For Scorpius.

They'll stop soon.

They have to stop soon.

They stopped before.

Delphi stopped.


When they do stop, I'm barely conscious. Until Scorpius starts to scream again and I force myself up, bellowing at them to stop. But they don't.

And I don't want to lose him without him knowing.

"Scorpius!" I scream. "Scorpius! I love you!"

I don't know whether he hears me as his body falls limp on the floor. He's not dead, but he looks close to it. I stop screaming.
"Please..." I croak. "Please."

I don't remember how they knocked me out.

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