Promises I Can't Keep

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As I turn to walk away, Scorpius pulls me into a tight hug, his arms wrapped around my shoulders. I frown, but I don't pull away. There is a strange urgency in his movement and he is struggling to keep his breathing steady. If he needs it, then I'm here for him.
"Albus," his murmurs are barely audible over the wind.
"Promise," Scorpius says quickly, "promise me something?"
"When I tell you," he starts to shake, "promise me that you'll run. Run away from here."
"Scorp, what are you–"
"Run away and don't look back," Scorpius interrupts sharply. "Run to where I came from. Find help. Just...promise me."

I can sense the urgency, the pure fear, in his voice. I don't want to leave him. I don't want to force him into the danger that I assume is behind me. But I have more chance of getting away and he knows that.
"Promise," I whisper.

He holds me a little tighter for a few moments, and then he pulls away, screaming at me to run. I do, sprinting back to the village as quickly as I can.

My legs burn and I keep stumbling in the battle with the wind. But I have to keep running, to find help, to save Scorpius. I start trying to think of people who could, would, help me, considering trying to get to Draco. He might have some idea of who...

Except I know who. I have every idea of who.

I can't abandon him with her. She's insane. She'll kill him. I can't just run away, even if that's what he wants. I can't let him die.

But I have to. I have to keep running so that I can save his life. I can't take her on alone. I know that.

Scorpius starts to scream.

Albus. Keep running.

He's screaming.

Keeping running. Find help.

The boy that I love is in pain.

I stumble to a halt, spinning to face them. I don't know who they are, but Scorpius is on his knees between the two of them, twitching and shaking violently. He's not screaming anymore. But his eyes are so full of fear. I can't leave him.

I start running again, towards them, and Scorpius starts to scream again, begging me to run, begging me to leave. I don't. I can't.

Before I can reach him, one of them grabs my hood, dragging me back sharply. I stumble, choking on my breath, while trying to tear myself away.
"Euphemia Rowle," Scorpius is sobbing. "Rodolphus Lestrange."
"What do you want?" I demand. "Why–"
"It's not us," Rodolphus smirks. "We're just here on an errand."

I don't need to ask who for. She got out, laid low for a while, and now she is going to kill us. Because even if she tries – that – again, neither Scorpius nor I will obey her. And she'll kill us.

Scorpius whimpers as Rodolphus drags him to his feet roughly, smirking, and I feel my stomach lurch. If I'd just kept running, we wouldn't be here. This is my fault. Fuck. Fuck. We're going to die.

And it's my fault.

I'm so sorry, Scorpius.

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