End of The Line

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(Authors note: Not everything in this chapter will go exactly according to the tv show.)

Barry's POV.

Barry let out a strained cry and held Ella to him. He could feel the pain of his heart shattering. She was gone. The love of his life.

As he cried on her he heard a sound of something small hitting the ground. He looked down and saw drum sticks. Slowly he picked them up in confusion.

Suddenly Ella gasped in his arms. "Ella!?"

He touched her cheek as tears streamed down his face.



Gasping for breath Ella lifted a remote to her face and suddenly her face glitched and he no longer saw Ella. The person in his arms dying wasn't the love of his life. It was H.R. the team's loyal friend.

" H.R.?" Barry gasped. "I-I don't. . ."


"Tracy." The man whispered

Barry got up and let Tracy and H.R. have a moment, meanwhile he had to have his own.

"It's okay. I couldn't be a coward."

He looked at Barry. "I'm not a coward."

Barry looked up realizing what H.R. must have done. He was far from a coward.

"We just found each other."

H.R. nodded. "I know. I'm sorry, but you will be brilliant. Tracy Brant you will be brilliant. I love you. . ."He drowned off as he looked off into the distance.

Squinting, he winced. "B.A.!"

Barry moved to his side quickly. "I'm right here."

"Would you please tell Cisco. . ." He whispered in Barry's ear. ".....please tell him for me?"

"Yeah." Barry smiled. "Good. Now, go stop Savitar."

And with those last words H.R. fell asleep forever. Barry frowned as Tracy cried over his body.


A melodiously familiar voice shouted to him. He looked you up and saw a sight he thought he'd never see again. Ella, the love of his life, was running towards him. Unable to say anything, he embraced her as she ran into his arms.they held each other tightly and cried.

"Savitar took the Speed Force Bazooka." Joe said, coming up to them.

Iris was with him. Looking at the ground where the Bazooka had been, Barry sighed heavily. Joe was right.

Going back to STAR Labs Barry, Iris, Ella and Joe all went into the Time-vault. Waving his hand over the round sensor Barry watched as the future article came up. Immediately his eyes went to the by-line. Apparently Ella's did as well since he heard her whisper quietly in disbelief.

"Ella, N. Allen."

Barry smiled brightly and looked at her. "It changed back."

The two breathed joyful laughs and embraced once again. They would have a future together. She would be his wife and he her husband.

After the team realized that Savitar had a plan to avoid the time paradox, Julian announced that he had created a cure for Caitlin. Seconds later Wally ran in telling everyone that Caitlin had taken Cisco. Savitar wanted to use him for something.

Barry decided that he had to do something, but instead of using anger he would use sympathy. He met with Savitar privately and told him he wanted to help him. He knew what Savitar was feeling. Abandoned. Alone. Angry. Mournful. Unlike Barry Savitar had lost everything.

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