Back Into The Speed Force

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Ella's POV.

Ella ran after Barry. She ran into Joe and Iris on the way down to the speed lab and told them to follow her. When they got down to the lab Cisco, Julian, H.R., Cait and Cisco were talking.

"That's where the future you trapped him." Julian said.


"Trapped him where?" Ella asked walking down the steps.

"The Speed Force." Barry answered.

"That's why Savitar appears for only a few moments at a time, because the Speed Force just sucks him back in. Makes since."

Cait placed her hands on her hips "But we threw the Philosopher Stone into the Speed Force."

"We gave him the exact thing he needs to escape." Cisco nodded.

"Except he said he still needed one thing."
Everyone looked at Barry waiting for him to give the answer. "I don't think he came come out because he doesn't have the whole stone."

Ella and Iris smiled at each other in relief. He would never get it. They were a step ahead now. A thunderous sound filled the lab.

They all turned to see Jesse who had just run in. "Guys, Wally went after Savitar!"


"He started hallucinating. He thought he was talking to his mom."

Julian shook his head in alarm. "No that's-that's not her that's Savitar!"

"Where'd he go?" Barry asked in worry.

"I-I don't know. Okay, he-he was freaking out and he said that he needed to stop Savitar from getting out! And he sped off." Jesse explained, talking with her hands.

They all looked at Barry in alarm.

"The stone!" Cisco exclaimed.

They opened the box. It was gone.


Barry ran to where Cisco had located a massive power surge. Cisco pulled up the security footage and the team watched. On the screen they saw a portal had opened, most likely to the Speed Force and Wally was being sucked inside. Iris and Jesse gasped in fear. Ella quickly went to her best friend's side and wrapped her arm around her.

Barry appeared on the screen next and as soon as he did the portal began to grab onto Wally pulling him further in. Wally tried to run out, struggling to get away, but the portal kept sucking him in more and more. So his suit began to evaporate and burn.

He screamed in agony and fear. "Help me, Barry!"

Joe covered his mouth as tears filled his eyes. Iris covered her mouth as well. Tears rolled down her cheeks. Ella held onto her tightly. Barry just stood there watching, unable to do anything. Finally Wally was gone and the portal closed. Iris turned to her dad and cried into his chest.

The team watched as Barry grabbed Wally's charred suit off the pavement. Now another portal opened and the speedster, Savitar, crawled out. For the first time the team saw their foe. Barry stood definitely against him. Savitar continued to craw across the pavement like a desperate animal and looked up to the sky.

"I'm free!"

Iris was now sobbing in Ella's arms. Her brother was gone. Where? They didn't know.

Savitar stood. "Ground. Air. I can feel again. I can breath again. I've beaten you, finally!"

"Where's Wally? What just happened to him?"

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