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Ella's POV.

Barry's memory was still not back. They still hadn't figured out how to fix it. He also didn't know he had powers.

Joe, Iris and Ella took Barry to CCPD because Cecile called with an emergency. To their horror Barry would keep introducing himself to people as Bart. Come to find out Heat Monger was going to be on trial and they needed Barry to testify. Barry of course had no memory of being a CSI nor did he have any knowledge of forensic science what so ever.

Ella and Barry sat in his office to try and see if he remembered it, while Joe went to see if he could put off the case.

"I'm sorry."

"For what?"

He smiled apologetically from
his seat. "I don't know. Everyones upset and it seems like its because of me."

"No. Barry you're fine. Really. There's just a lot going on right now. We just really want you to get back to normal."

"Well, I would if I could remember what normal is. I mean what have you and I been doing lately?" He asked standing up.

She raised an eyebrow at him, not being able to help the small grin tugging at her lips. He seemed so. . .carefree.

"Are we planning a wedding? Like have we sent out wedding invitations or picked out a honeymoon destination? Or. . .am I a warm weather guy or a cold weather guy?"

She smiled. "Warm."

He smiled back as well. His eyes glinting.

Slowly Ella tore her gaze from his. "Actually you've been a little busy lately, so we haven't gotten to any of that yet."

"Busy? With what?"

Her smile faltered, but she put it back on and touched his arm. "Nothing you need to worry about right now."

He nodded. "Alright. I know it's weird disincentive we just ate, but I'm already feeling hungry."

Ella laughed. With that speedster metabolism of course he was already hungry.
"C'mon let's get you something to eat."

Barry and Ella went to Jitters and ate, but while they were eating he wanted to know more about his life.

"You mean we were best friend in school?"

Ella smiled, nodding her head. "Yep. Best friends."

"So I guess we started dating then in high school?"

She shook her head. "No, sadly.
I left when you were ten with my family. We moved to Metropolis."

"So how did we get together?"

Grinning she remembered it all. "Well, I came back after being fired from the newspaper in Metropolis and we all reconnected. Me, you, Iris, Joe. I even met your friends from STAR Labs."

"Right the weird computer guy and the British scientist."

"That's right. Cisco and Julian, but you actually met Julian a little more recently. Caitlin is the other friend."


Ella nodded.

"Where was she today?"

"She's um. . .she had to leave for a bit, but hopefully she'll be back soon."

He nodded.

Ella hated all the things she had to keep from him. She didn't really have to, but why tell him? He was so happy now.

Run To You - Barry Allen/The Flash (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now