Responsibility and Sacrifice

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Ella's POV.

Ella walked into the Time Vault. She pulled up the future news paper and stared at it. Iris West-Evans. Nothing had changed. The future was the same. She was still going to die.

Meanwhile Barry was in the Speed Force risking his life, again. When he left she had asked him to promise to come back, but he didn't. He only told her that he loved her. She knew he couldn't promise such a thing, especially when he probably didn't think he would make it out anyway.

Every cell in her body wanted to stop him. To beg him not to go, but she knew it wouldn't have done any good. He was a hero. Hero's sacrifice. She had to be able to accept that no matter how worried she was.

She only wished that they had more time together when he got back, which she had to believe he would. He was afraid. She knew that. He had admitted that to her. He was afraid to start their future together when he didn't know if they could actually have one. He had been in a state of denial for so long, acting as if the possibility of them having a future was definite.

That's why he had held off proposing. As he said, it made him believe there was something waiting for them later on. If he had that to believe in nothing could come in between it. That wasn't realistic. She had tried to prepare and warm him for so long, but he couldn't accept it. Now they were here. Savitar was lose and things were spiraling into place. On July 18th she would die at the hands of Savitar.

As she stared at the newspaper someone spoke up from behind her. "Hey."

Ella jumped in surprise. "Oh! Hey, Iris. I didn't see you there."

Iris walked in looking around the room. "So this is where you've been."

Ella watched her. "I just needed to get away for a bit."

Iris's eyes went to the article. "Doesn't look like it to me."

Ella glanced over her shoulder at the haunting article. She sighed heavily and looked down.

"Why are you looking at this?" Her best friend

"How can I not?" Ella asked. "It's the reason for all of this."

Iris looked at her. "You know the future isn't written yet, right?"

"Well, obviously it is because if it wasn't my name would be on that article, but it's not. Because I didn't write it. Because in eight years. . .I'm dead." She said with tears in her eyes.

Iris pulled Ella into a warm hug. She tried to hold back her tears, but slowly they came dripping down.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. It's gonna be okay." Iris comforted.

"We're not going to let this happen. Okay? Barry isn't going to let this happen."

"I know. I know that's what he wants, but what if he can't stop it from happening?" She whispered into Iris's shoulder.

Ella wished for a reasons, but all she got was silence.

"I don't know." She finally answered.

Ella closed her eyes. Of course she didn't know.

Iris stroked her hair in a relaxing rhythm. "I know you're scared and you have every right to be, but don't waist the time you do still have being afraid of the future. Who knows what will happen between July 18th and now. That day may come and eight years from now it'll be your name on that article, but whatever happens never waist the time you have. Focus on the here and now."

Never had  anything made so much sense.

"Thank you, Iris."

"What are best friends for?" She giggled.

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