Killer Frost

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Ella's POV.

Back at STAR Labs Barry and Ella Found Iris, Cisco and Joe in the medical lab.

"What? I didn't even see her leave." Iris said to Joe as the two walked in.

"See who leave?" Barry asked.

Everyone turned to look in Barry and Ella's direction. Immediately a wide smile grew on Iris's face and she jumped up, running towards Ella.

"Ella! You're back!"

Laughing the two friends hugged tightly.

"Oh my gosh I can't believe you're back! It's so good to see you."

"It's good to see your too, Iris." Ella smiled. Happy to be back.

"Wait, so who left?" Barry asked after Ella had been greeted.

"Caitlin." Cisco answered, his voice laced with concern.

"She came to the precinct and told me that Wally was out of that thing and that he was okay." Joe explained.

Ella looked at Barry to see his expression go from confused to alarmed in seconds. Without saying a word, he ran off leaving everyone else behind.

About ten minutes later Barry ran back in, causing wind to blow around the room. This time everyone was in the main lab. Including H.R. who she had been able to meet.

"She took Julian." Barry announced.

"What?!" Iris and Cisco exclaimed.

Breathing heavily he started to explain. "Caitlin went to the precinct and took out the security cameras in the interrogation room. Then took Julian."

"Wh-why?" Iris asked.

"She's gone Killer Frost."

"Wait. Killer Frost like her evil doppelgänger Killer Frost?" Ella asked.

"Yeah. How'd you know about that?" Cisco asked.

She shrugged. "Barry caught me up to speed."

"So they don't know why she took Julian?" Joe asked.

"No, but more importantly they don't even know that it's Caitlin yet. So we need to find her before they do." Barry answered, pacing the room.

"Savitar. Now what about this Savitar?" H.R. brought up, but Barry interjected.

"Let's find Caitlin then we can worry about Savitar."

"Alright, guys I agree with Barry. Let's find Caitlin." H.R. parroted, while twirling his drumsticks in his hands.

"Okay. So we find Caitlin then what?" Iris asked.

"I don't know. She's not thinking straight. She's-"

"Becoming Killer Frost. It's just like in the vibe." Cisco said calmly.

Barry had told her about Cisco's powers so she wasn't completely lost.

"We don't know that yet." Barry told him.

"Her mother said, the more she uses her powers the faster she's gonna go and saving you from Savitar that. . .must have put her over the edge." Cisco explained.

Ella watched Barry, noticing him become solemn. She knew he felt like everything was his fault.

"Alright. How do we find her?" Barry asked Cisco.

"I don't know. I tried pinging her cell and Julian's, but she must have ditched them both."

H.R. cleared his throat loudly. "If I may proffer a notion?"

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