With You

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Barry's POV.

"Don't!" Barry screamed. "Please. . .Don't! Don't do this!"

Savitar raised his hand. "Now finally, I am free if you!"

". . .Barry, I love you." Ella breathed as tears fell down her cheeks.

"Hey, no. Don't say that, alright? You're gonna be alright!" Barry assured her, before looking back up at Savitar.

"I'm begging you just-"

"Barry!" She cried. Fear and desperation laced her voice.

Panic filled him. He had never felt so powerless in his life.

"You lose, Barry." With that a dagger came out of Savitar's hand.

"No!!" Barry ran too her. The world stood still as he raced to her rescue, but it was to no avail.

Savitar plunged the danger through her back and into her heart. Ella gasped in pain as Savitar pulled the danger out and ran off letting her fall. Barry got there in time to catch her crumbling body. He cradled her small frame in his arms.

"Hey. Hey. Ella? Ella, hey."

She didn't respond. He caressed her hair.

"No. . . No! Ella! Ella?! No! No, no, no, no, no. C'mon. C'mon, Ella, please! Please! Ella!"
He cried. "Ella please don't go! Don't leave me! Not again. Not again! Please! Ella!!" Barry sat up in his bed. His breathing was labored and he was covered in sweat. Tears stained his pillow. Sighing he looked at the clock. Two thirty. Like usual he leaned over and texted Ella. He had to see her. Luckily she was awake. Without hesitation he ran to her. This was a hard beginning to the next three months.

Ella's POV.

The next three months went by in a blur. There was peace again. No Savitar. Just the regular meta's running the city. Barry and Ella had become serious and were constantly with each other.

Iris had also started dating someone. Aaron Nicholson, the lead photographer at CCPN. They had been dating for a month and a half now.

Ella was still concerned about Barry. Some nights around three in the morning he would message her to see if she was awake. Obviously she would lie and says she was and invite him over.

He would come over to talk about anything, never admitting the full reason as to why he was awake. He only told her he was having nightmares, but never said what they were about. She respected his privacy and did all she could do to comfort him.

He was also constantly wanting to be with her, which was nice, but sometimes worried her. She didn't want their relationship to come before him being the Flash.

Ella woke up to the smell of pancakes and bacon. She was immediately confused.

"Iris can't cook." She whispered.

She put on her robe and walked out. To her surprise the one cooking was Barry.

She laughed. "What are you doing?"

He looked up from the stove and smiled. "Thought I'd come by and make you a nice breakfast before you went to work."

Ella furrowed her eyebrows, smiling. "How long have you been here?" She asked.

"Since seven. I remember you telling me that you rarely ever get breakfast before you go to work so here I am."

Ella looked at the clock on the wall. Eight thirty.

"Barry, this is very sweet, but you didn't have to get up that early just to come here and make breakfast for me. I would have managed." She said walking over to him.

Run To You - Barry Allen/The Flash (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now