The Truth

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Barry's POV.

Dinner was a failure.

Everyone started arguing. They all realized he tricked them into coming to dinner so that the team could go back to the way it was. Cisco then announced why he was angry at Barry. Barry had refused to go back in time to save Danté. The meta alarm went off and the team went to STAR Labs.

Barry went out and faced a new meta only he wasn't so new to him. Rival was back. Only this time he was out for revenge. Clariss was angry at the Flash for ruining his life. For taking from him the life he deserved. They fought through the city. Barry caught him knocking him off the over pass. He looked over the railing and saw that Clariss had escaped.

Back at STAR Labs the team discussed who the Rival was.

Caitlin came in explaining her findings in excitement. "I just got the results back from the tests I ran on the husk Barry gave me this morning, and it's weird because there's no traces of dark matter, but there are traces of the Speed Force."

"And that's the husk from this speedster?" Joe asked.

"It appears so and his name is-"

"Edward Clariss." Barry interrupted causing everyone to look up in surprise.

"And somehow Barry is exactly right." Cait muttered.

Barry looked away from everyone seeing Patty give him a questioning look.

Just then Iris stood up. "Can I talk to you for a second?"


The two walked into the hall away from the rest. Sighing he saw Iris hold up her phone. On it was a video of him talking to Rival.

"STAR Labs isn't the only one with access to the city's security cams."

Barry closed his eyes.

"It's pretty obvious this guy knows you. You wanna tell me what that's about?"

He looked down silently ashamed of what his actions had caused.

Seeing, that he wasn't going to answer she continued. "This is hey you've been acting so weird lately. Trying to get me and my dad talking again. Tricking all of us into dinner tonight? Because you're keeping something from us?" She asked angrily. "You need to tell me what is going on, Barry. Right now."

Closing his eyes he shook his head. "I'm sorry. I did this. All of this. It's my fault and I've been trying to fix it, but I think that there's only one way to do that now. I'm sorry." With that being said Barry ran.

He had to go back in time and stop his past self from running back in time. He had to fix this. As he ran suddenly he was pulled out by someone and fell onto the pavement. He looked up and saw Jay Garrick standing over him with cloths in his hand.


"Flash, here put these on. We need to talk." Jay answered back, tossing the cloths to Barry.

He changed into regular cloths and took Barry to a diner. They were in the year 1998. The two men sat down at a booth. Jay told him that he knew Barry was going to try and reset the time line again. This surprised Barry. How could he have known?

"After your not so subtle reaction after you first met me Harry told me all that happened with Zoom and your mom. . . and your dad so decided I'd keep my eye on you for a bit."

"He tell you anything else?"

"He did. I'm your father's doppelgänger. Sorry about that."

Barry shook his head sadly. "It's just. . . really weird."

Run To You - Barry Allen/The Flash (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now