What's Changed?

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Barry's POV.

Barry ran to the barn to get Thawn. He tripped when coming to a stop in the barn.

"Having a bad day Bare?" Thawn yelled. "You know. . .I'm the answer man. I am the answer to all your prayers. All you need to do is ask me, Barry."

Barry refused to look at him as he sat on a wooden crate. "We need to go back in time. To that night."

Thawn looked down at Barry. "To do what?"

Barry looked up. He couldn't say it. He couldn't ask him. "You know what I need you to do."

"Yeah. . .but I wanna to hear you say it."

Inhaling deeply, Barry glared at him with all his anger and hatred. "I need you to kill my mother."

Thawn grinned in satisfaction. "With pleasure.

" Barry glared at him. How could a man be so evil. "I hate you."

Without missing a beat Thawn answered him back. "And I hate you. I sometimes wonder which of us is right."

Barry slowly stood and unlocked the cell. Thawn walked out casually. As reached in his pocket and held up Thawns ring, he grabbed it and walked away from the cell.

Barry sighed, walking over to stand next to his sworn enemy. He started to run, but his legs gave way and he tumble to he floor.

Thawn walked over at looked down at him.

"Man, I wish I could kill you, but today. . ." He lifted Barry up, roughly, by his coat. ". . .I get to be the hero."

With that Thawn ran. Sometime during the run, Barry blacked out. . .


Suddenly memories flood is brain. Like a broken damn flooding a valley.

His parents, Ella and he as kids, she and her family leaving Central , his mom's murder, his dad's arrest, living with the West's, crushing on Iris, college, the CCPD, working with Joe, the Particle Excelorator, getting struck by lightning, his speed, Eddie and Iris, Team Flash, fighting meta's, Ella's return, getting rejected by Iris, falling for Ella again, his visits to her as the Flash, The first time he traveled back in time, Iris finding out about his secret, Ella and he getting together, Wells being the Revers Flash, him going back in time to save his mother, Eddie's death, Thawns death, the singularity, Ronnie's death, Ella leaving after finding out, Flash Day, Team Flash coming back together, his dad's release, Harry, Patty, Jay and Zoom, Earth Two, traveling back in time to get faster, Cait's kidnapping, Zoom taking his speed, his time in Speed Force,
his dad's death, the team locking him up, racing Zoom and winning. All of this came rushing into his head.

Gasping for air, Barry's eyes flew open. Sorting through his mind, he finally felt clear. Then he realized why his mind was so clear. Thawn had succeeded. Looking down a single tear fell down his cheek. He was sad, but didn't feel the heart break and emptiness he had once felt as a child and as an adult. He knew this was how it was supposed to be. Things were back to normal and finally set right.

Soon Thawn came out and ran Barry forward in time. They stopped on the West's porch. Barry stood up straight and looked at the door.

"There we go. Things are back to how they should be. Well, for me anyway. For you? Well, I guess you'll just have to wait and find out."

Barry turned to Thawn and found him smiling. "What? What does that mean?"

Thawn hesitated then began to back away with a smirk. "See you sometime soon, Flash." In mili-seconds he was gone.

Run To You - Barry Allen/The Flash (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now