Our Last Night

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Ella's POV.

24 hours.

That's what it had come down to. Ella had 24 hours left of her life. Sitting in her apartment, curled up on the couch she looked over at the picture of her, Iris and Barry. Her best friends would soon be all the other had.

Two weeks ago there had been hope. Tracy has built the Speed Force bazooka and had figured out how to trap Savitar. That's where the problem came in. Nothing in the world had enough energy to power it. It would take more energy than the sun had to do so. With that statement, in Ella's mind, it all was over.

Of course Barry and the team refused to give up. They were sure they'd find something, but two weeks later they'd found nothing. Cisco had even contacted Felicity, but she had nothing.

Just then Iris came over with two cups of cocoa. Ella smiled politely and offered her thanks. Iris sat down on the opposite end of the couch and sipped the warm chocolaty drink. Meanwhile Ella only stared down at hers.

"So have you talked to Martha recently?" Iris asked.

Ella knew she was trying to distract her.

Glancing up and back down she shook her head. "No. I'm gonna call her tonight though."

To talk to her one last time. She thought.

"That's nice. You'll need to go down and visit her soon. With your friends Clark and Lois getting married I'm sure you'll be down there a lot in the future. And after you-."

"Iris." Ella finally interrupted her rambling. "Yeah?"

"You and I both know that after tomorrow there's no future for me. Not in this life."

"Ella you don't know-"

"Yes, Iris. I do." She said firmly. "I have to be able to accept what's going to happen. If I don't accept it now I won't be able to handle it tomorrow."

Iris said nothing.

Ella took a deep breath before placing her mug on the coffee table. "Look, Iris. We need to talk."

Criss-crossing her legs she turned towards her best friend. Iris looked at her in confusion.

"No matter what happens tomorrow, I want you to know that. . .you're the most wonderful best friend anyone could ever have." She started. "You've been there for me so many times when I didn't have anyone else and you were always looking out for me. You've truly become like a sister to me and I will never be able to thank you. I just want you to know that even though Barry and I are best friends and he's the love of my life. . .you're my sister and I'll always consider you that way."

Iris had tears in her eyes.
"You're my sister too. I love you, Ella. I'm so sorry this all happen. It's not fare."

"It's not, but maybe it's meant to be this way."

Iris looked down wiping her cheeks of tears.

"There's something else too." Ella said, causing her to look up.

"It's about Barry."

Iris nodded somberly.

"I know we already talked about it a couple months ago, but I need to make sure it still stands."
Taking a deep breath she fought threatening tears. "After tomorrow night Barry won't have me to be there for him anymore. You and I both know that he won't accept what's about to happen until it actually does and then it will be too late. I'm afraid it's going to haunt him forever, Iris."
A rogue tear fell down her cheek.
"He's gonna blame himself. I know it. Nothing can stop that, but he doesn't have to be alone. I have to know that when I'm gone he'll have you. He'll have his sister. His best friend. Don't let him push you away. You'll both need each other more than ever."

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