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Ella's POV.

Things got crazy over the next few days. Barry, Caitlin, Cisco and Julian all went to Earth 2 after Jesse showed up saying that her dad had been kidnapped by Grodd. When they rescued Harry, whom Ella hadn't had the pleasure of meeting until now, everyone was sure they had prevented Grodds attack on the city.

They were wrong.

Grodd ended up finding a way to Earth 1 and attacked Central. Afterwards they called Lyla and had Argus take him in.

Jesse and Wally has also become a thing which didn't please Harry to well. It was odd for Ella to imagine that she had actually met and known Harry in another time line. Another life. Though he was like a stranger to her now.
Harry and Jesse had also been quite confused since Earth two's time line hadn't been messed up. Last thing they knew Ella and Barry we're engaged.

At the end of the day after the battle with Grodd, Harry had returned back to earth two while Jesse stayed on their earth to be with Wally.

In other news Wally had finally gotten faster than Barry. Fast enough to save Ella from Savitar. It was definitely encouraging news.

After celebrating the great accomplishment Barry took Ella back to the apartment and set her down on the balcony. Ella peaked through the glass windows to see if Martha was there.

"You really should be more careful. She could have seen you."

He winced sheepishly. "Oops. Sorry. Force of habit."

Ella rolled her eyes.
". . .Can I come in for a bit?" He asked.

"Yeah, but not this way. And neither can I."

"Oh right! Okay. Hold on."

She shook her head and laughed at him. With a flash, if you will, she was standing in front of her door. Barry leaned his hand against the wall beside her. "How about that for front door service?"

Ella rolled her eyes once again at him as she unlocked her door. "You're in an interesting mood today."

He shrugged as the door opened. "I'm just happy, I guess."

Stepping inside they saw Martha with her arms folded sitting on the couch.

"Hey, Martha." Ella greeted.

"Hello. You're home early."

"Oh yeah. I, uh finished work early." She excused.

"That's nice. So you two were able to run around together this morning?"

Barry and Ella gave each other wary glances. "Um. . .yeah. I had some time off so. . ."

Martha nodded with a knowing grin on her face. "Oh did you happen to see the Flash on your way here? He was spotted again going down West Avenue after having some sort of race with Kid Flash."

Barry feigned innocence and shrugged. "I. . .no I don't think so."

"You sure? I mean you would have been driving down the same street."

"Yes, but who knows when he ran down that way. It may have been a few seconds before we came." Ella suggested.

"Hmm." She hummed.

"Yeah I mean I'm sure we'd remember if a bright yellow flash of lighting flew past us." Barry added.

"Right. Too bad. That would have been exciting seeing the Flash race past your car." Martha said to Ella.

She breathed a laugh. "Yeah. Yeah. That would have been exciting."

The woman eyed them and stood. "Oh well, of course it wouldn't be that exciting for you, dear. You and the Flash are old acquaintances."

Run To You - Barry Allen/The Flash (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now