Learning The Truth

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Ella's POV.

Ella made it to STAR Labs just in time for Barry to come back. Cait was checking up on him.

"That gun. I've never seen anything like that in my life! I want a gun like that." Cisco smiled widely.

"What happened out there?" Joe walked over to Barry.

"I don't know, but it caught me off guard."

Just then Caitlin's phone vibrated. "I've gotta run an errand. I'll be back." She walked out.

Iris took a deep breath. "Okay so we're up against a guy with a futuristic rifle, who steels jewelry and looks like a pirate."

Ella breathed a laugh. "What a combination."

"A pirate. Right then we shall call this scurvy lad by the name of Plunder. Plunder. Agreed?" H.R. said in a deep pirate-like voice.

Ella smiled looking over at Barry, but when she tried to make eye contact with him he was looking away with a stressed expression. He held his forehead while Cisco and H.R. bickered.

"Come with me. Let me show you something." H. R. motioned to Cisco.

"Why do I feel like I'm being trapped."

The two men left.

"Anyway I'm gonna get the CCPD to monitor all the jewelry stores. That guy must be pretty full of himself knowing he escaped the Flash, so ten to one he'll be back." Joe made a point.

Barry nodded, silently, getting up from the medical chair.

"When he does we'll be ready for him. Right Bare?" Wally asked, causing Barry to turn around and shake his head.

"No. Not we, Wally. Listen, you're still training."

"Have you seen my times in the Speed Lab lately? They're almost as fast as you."

"This isn't about speed. This is about gaining knowledge and experience. So please just trust me, alright?"

Obviously angered and frustrated, Wally walked out.

"Look I'm as over protective as a father can get, but I've gotta be honest Bare, I agree with him."

"I don't know Joe. Let's just see what else we can find on this guy before we let Wally loose." Barry said crossing his arms.

"Okay, well remember that the best way to teach somebody is to throw them in the deep end. That's how I taught you how to swim."

A grin grew on Barry's face. "That was. . .I'm still mad about that."

"You can swim now can't you?" Joe arched an eyebrow. "Yeah."

Ella couldn't help but admire their close relationship. He had been such a great father to Barry.

That evening the team got dressed for the big museum opening. Ella chose to wear a royal blue blue velvet dress with lace trimmings. She wore silver heels and silver earrings.

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