Trust and Fear

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Ella's POV.

Ella woke up to the smell of coffee. After wrapping her robe around herself she walked into the dining room/kitchen to find Martha sitting at the table sipping coffee.

"Morning!" She greeted happily.

"Good morning."

"How did you sleep, dear?"

"Fine, I guess."

"You sure? You look exhausted." She handed her a cup of coffee.

"Yeah. I'm good." Ella lied.

The truth was she barely slept all night after Barry left. With everything he had told her, she couldn't seem to quiet her brain.

"Iris called this morning." Ella finished sipping the warm coffee.

"Hmm really?"

Martha nodded. "She wanted to invite us to Jitters to get some coffee with Joe and his new girlfriend, Cecile. Her daughter will be there too."

"Oh yeah totally! Sounds great!" Ella smiled.
She had wanted to meet Cecile for a while now.
"I'll giver her a call right now and let her know that we'll be there."

That day Ella stood outside of a restaurant named Luigi's. The same restaurant from the future headlines. Iris had just finished talking to the owner when she came over to Ella.

"Hey, you here for tonight's news?"

"Yeah. Get anything?"

Iris nodded. "Yeah. I got to talk to the owner. He says that this has probably ruined the restaurants reputation. That they'll have to. . .reopen. . . under a new name."

Ella felt cold. "Reopen?"

Her best friend nodded. "Yeah."

They both knew it wasn't good. Just then Barry and Joe walked up.

"Hey, you okay?" Her boyfriend asked.

"Yeah. No. I'm fine, just. . .up against a deadline." 'Literally.' She thought.

Iris frowned, knowing the underlying meaning of her answer. It looked like the future wasn't changing at all. Everything was happening.

At STAR Labs everyone was working on figuring out how a body could deteriorate so quickly.

Ella, though, had other things on her mind. She went down to where the list of headlines was. There it was: Luigi's Reopens After Meta Attack.

"Hey, what are you doing down here?"

Ella jumped and turned around. Barry was leaned up against the door frame.

"Uh n-nothing. Just. . ." She drowned off as he came inside.

He looked at the board behind her. "Why are you lookin' at this again?"

She sighed.
"Because of this." She pointed to the report.

He read it and realized. "Ella, I know you're worried, but that hadn't happened yet."

"I know, but Iris talked to the owner today and he said that after everything that's happened their going to have to reopen under a new name." Her voice wavered. "It's coming true. It's all coming true, Barry."

Staring at the board, he sat down on the edge of a metal table. "No."

"I-I thought things were changing!" She exclaimed.

"Things are changing. Okay? They are. I was supposed to stop Plunder, right? And instead Wally did and we're gonna stop Savitar too. I'm making sure of it."

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