One Will Fall

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Barry's POV.

"I've never run to the future."  Barry said.
"I've traveled to the past, but I always came back to the present."

Jay didn't answer.

He shook his head. "I saw myself and Ella. . .a-and Savitar. Wh-. . .he killed her." His voice cracked as he spoke.

Jay bowed his head sadly.

"That's five months from now. Is that actually gonna happen?" Barry asked.

"I don't know."

"You don't-"

"You shouldn't have seen that." Jay said.

Shaking his head, Barry turned around. "This-this doesn't make sense. We just got rid of the philosopher stone. I mean Savitar shouldn't have even been there!" He yelled.

Jay stared at him.

Barry couldn't believe what he saw. It was like his heart had been ripped out and crushed in front of him.

"Oh my God." He breathed, looking away into nothingness. "This is why the news paper in the time vault changed. The by-line. This is why it's Iris and not Ella. Ella didn't write that story anymore, eight years from now, because. . ."

He sat down in numb realization. "She's dead."


"I just watched. . .the love of my life die!" He exclaimed. His voice broke as he tried to hold back tears. "I saw myself try to save her, but I wasn't fast enough. Jay, tell me that this isn't my destiny." He begged, praying that Jay would say something, anything, to turn this around.

"What you saw was one possibility of the future. What may be or what may not."

"Okay, then I can stop this from happening. I can run back there." He began hopefully.

"You can't go back there. Not again. Not ever."

"Alright, then I'll figure out exactly how it happens. How we wined up on that street and I'll just make sure we don't go there. I mean if we don't go there then-"

"Barry! This is why speedsters don't travel to the future. Nobody should know this much about their own. Just like their are infinite earths there are infinite possibilities to the future. It's always bending, always changing. Every decision you make creates another alternative." Jay lectured.

Barry looked up at him firmly. "I won't let Ella die. I just got her back. I'm not losing her again. I can't."

"The future isn't written yet and it might not even turn out to be what you saw. You need to focus on the here and now. You have to live your life."

Ella's POV.

"Hey guys."

Ella walked quickly to Barry. She had been so worried after seeing both he and Jay disappear. "Hey."

He hugged her tightly.

"Hey, are you okay?" Iris asked behind them.

"Yeah. Yeah I'm fine."

Ella pulled back to look at him. "You and Jay just disappeared and-" Her voice shook.

He looked at her with understanding, laying his hand on her arm. "Hey, it's okay. I'm here. I'm fine. We're both fine."

Ella gave a small smile and nodded.

"I'm just glad to see you." He added.

Ella saw something in his eyes when he looked at her, but she couldn't identify what it was.

Run To You - Barry Allen/The Flash (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now