Back To Our Normal

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Ella's POV.

Ella walked down to a large spacious room and found Barry sitting alone on a large treadmill.

"Wow this place is huge!" She muttered, causing Barry to snap his head in her direction.

"Oh, it's you." He said in relief.

"Yeah. I've been looking for you. Whatcha doing down here?" She asked.

He shook his head as she walked over to him. "We should all be working to find Alchemy and Savitar. Figuring out how to stop them. Instead we're fighting each other."

"Yeah. Team Flash, not at it's finest."

He gave her a look.

She shrugged. "Iris told me."

He breathed an extremely weak laugh, but quickly became somber again.

Shaking his head he spoke softly, barely above a whisper. "Why didn't I just follow you inside the house?"

Ella barely heard him, but she had.
"Follow me inside. . .? I-I don't understand."

His eyes snapped up to meet hers. As predicted fear filled them.

He shook his head looking down. "It's-I-Nothing. Nothing. You wouldn't understand. Not right now."

She got down on her knees, so that she was eye-level with him and grabbed onto his folded hands. "But I want to understand."

He held her gaze, but not for long.

Finally she sighed, knowing he still wasn't going to open up. "Barry, listen. I know what you did was out of love for your parents. You were hurting. Just like Caitlin and Cisco. Sometimes we'll do anything to make the pain stop, but that doesn't make you a bad person. That makes you human."

"Tell that to my friends. My best friends. One of them's Locke's up like a villain. The other hates me."

"You cannot take this all on yourself."

"Why not?" He asked.

"How do you know Caitlin wasn't already effected by the Particle Excelorator explosion? Or that Cisco's brother wouldn't have died anyway? You are not God, Barry."

"That's what Jay said."

"Well, whoever he is, he's a smart man." Ella sat down on the floor looking up at him. "You can't keep doing this to yourself. Constantly going over the what if's. . .you'll go nuts. Everyone close to you needs the Flash right now. Joe, Iris, Wally, even Cisco and Caitlin. . . And I need you too."

He looked at her. His eyes filled with tears, but with a new spark of hope.

"Be strong like I know you are." She leaned up holding his hands again and looking straight into his eyes. "You are the strongest man I've ever known. . .and I know you don't want to be the leader right now, but you have to. And you can." Pausing she took a breath. Her eyes never leaving his. "I believe in you,. . .Barry. I believe in you."

He gave her a soft, sad smile as tears still collected in his eyes. "That's all I've ever needed to know. " Barry shook his head as his voice cracked. "I can't do this without you, Ella."

"You won't have to. Not anymore. Not ever again." She assured him.

Suddenly the lights started flickering. "What's going on?"

He took her hand and stood up. "C'mon!"

They walked quickly to the main lab, running into Cisco along the way. Lights flashed all over the building.

Run To You - Barry Allen/The Flash (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now