Hope For New Beginings

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Barry's POV.

Barry ran up behind Top and Mirror Master as they talked about her new outfit. "You know, I don't know. It looks a little tacky from here, but I am old fashioned."

"We told you to stay away, Flash." Top hissed.

"Yeah well, I try not to listen to criminals or. . .stupid people." He paused, putting his hand to his ear piece. "You guys hearin' me alright?"

"Yeah Bare. We can hear you loud and clear." Joe answered.

Mirror Master stepped forward. "You should have done as you were told. It's two verses one. Odds aren't in your favor."

Barry smiled confidently. "I'll take that bet."

"Take him for a ride." Mirror Master told his partner.

"With pleasure."

Suddenly her eyes turned bright yellow and Barry began to feel as if the world was turning upside down and spinning.
He couldn't keep his balance. She had become much stronger. He looked up and saw a building falling on him and behind him there was a long drop into the street that was now below him.

"Okay that's new." He began to feel panicked.

Trying to convince himself that it was a mind trick, he squeezed his eyes shut and opened them, but found that nothing had changed.

Just as the building was going to crush him, Barry was moved away in a flash. He looked up to find his future self dressed in a futuristic flash suit.

"Thought it was about time I did something."

With that he pressed a button on an object he was holding and everything went back to normal.

"Cisco made it. Now their powers won't effect us." Future Flash explained. "We can go anywhere he does."

Barry smiled and looked to the two villains who were now the ones panicked. "The odds seem pretty even now! Huh?"

He grinned as Future Barry came to stand next to him. The two partners split up down the alley.

"You mind?" Future Flash nodded in their direction.

"Be my guest." Barry smiled.

He watched happily as the other speedster raced off. He probably hadn't done the hero thing in years. Barry ran down the alley and caught Top, while his future self went after Mirror Master. Mirror Master crashed out of a window followed by future Flash who stood over him in triumph. Both men looked at each one another. They had won.

Back at STAR Labs the team watched the tv as a reporter told of the first sighting of the Flash in years along with another scarlet speedster, who had both captured and taken in Top and Mirror Master. Future Barry stood awkwardly with his arms crossed in front of him. He still had his suit on just like Barry.

After the report was through, Cisco spoke up in a happy voice. "Ladies and gentlemen Team Flash back at it again!"

Everyone smiled widely, while future Barry only wore a small grin.

"Yeah. I think this was a good first step Cisco, but we have a ways to go. Especially me."

The team nodded in understanding.

"I heard what you said." Future Barry began, now talking to Barry. "You're right. Ella wouldn't have wanted this. She would have wanted us to stay a family. I broke that promise to her. To all of you. You made me realize that even though Savitar's gone. . .I've still been letting him win. I was wrong to do that."

Run To You - Barry Allen/The Flash (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now