Coming Home

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Barry's POV.

It had been two weeks since Barry had come back to Central. Bad things were going down.

Wells and Jessie has left to go back to Earth 2, but in their stead the team found another Wells from another earth. He called himself H.R. The team later found out that he had lied to them and wasn't a scientist. He was a writer, but wanted to help them. They kept him around to prove himself. Alchemy was becoming a bigger problem all the time. More and more Flashpoint meta's were showing up, ending up dead or locked up.

Julian and Barry were still on bad terms even after he thought things were getting better. Luckily, Barry had been re-assigned as a
meta-human forensic scientist along with Julian since they needed more people on the job. This meant Barry wouldn't have to sneak around all the time, but it did mean working closer with Julian.

Joe hadm begun dating a woman named Cecile from the CCPD. Iris was happy for him. The newest and worst issue was Wally. He had begun having dreams of being Kid Flash. The same kind of dreams Flashpoint meta's has before they got their powers. And it had recently gotten worse.

While at the CCPD Wally has something close to a seizure, and saw visions of him fighting Rival at the saw mill. The team all now knew and decided they needed to start focusing on Alchemy again. Wally had already admitted that he wanted to be Kid Flash, so Barry and Joe were worried it would effect things a lot more.

After the team had talked about it with Wally and Joe H.R. showed his new idea to be able to go out in the world without looking like Wells. It was a sort of mask invention that used light to make your appearance look like someone else. He fixed it so that everyone, but Team Flash, would see his partner from his earth. This way he could go out in the world and even start a STAR Labs museum.

H.R. Joe, Caitlin and Cisco all went to the movie night in the park while Wally, Iris and Barry stayed behind at Star Labs. Originally Barry and Iris  had planned to go, but since Wally was going to have to be out in the pipe-line for a while, they offered to stay behind and watch.

"Wally, you okay?" Iris called through the monitor.

He gave a bored thumbs up to the camera.

"I hate that we have to do this. He so badly wanted powers, and now we have to keep him locked up so he doesn't get them it's. . ."

"It's hard. I know."

"I don't think you do."

He looked at her wondering what she meant. "What does that mean?"

"All Wally wants to do is help people. And to see you do that everyday while all he can do is stand by and watch. . .its hard being a by stander sometimes."

"You don't feel like that do you?"

Iris sighed. "Barry come on. The things I do to help here are limited. You guys don't really need me."

Barry firmly shook his head. "That's not true. We do need you. I need you. I need my sister."

Iris smiled gratefully at him.

"Iris, I couldn't do any of this without you guys. I'm not the Flash without any of you."

"Thanks, Barry." She hugged him tightly.

Just then his cellphone rang. He grabbed it off the desk and smiled as he answered it.

"Hey, Barry!" Ella's voice spoke.

"Ella, hey!"

He stood as Iris smirked and raised her eyebrows playfully.

Barry rolled his eyes. He never should have told her about the kiss. Or kisses. "Hey, so I just wanted to let you know that I'm ready to come back whenever. I'm staying at Martha's for now so just go to the house when you come." Smiling, he started to speak.

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