8 years later. (Epilogue)

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Hadrian Erus Riddle née Malfoy woke up to the sound of excited chattering of his 3 children, Andrew (11), Celeste (8) and Micah (4).
Tom Marvolo Riddle helped Celeste brush her dark locks as Andrew got ready for his big day, his first year at Hogwarts.
Micah sloppily ate his oatmeal while Andrew fiddled with his knitted jumper for the umpteenth time as Celeste made gagging noises when Hadrian pecked Tom's cheek.

The family of 5 made their way through the very crowded Kings cross station, they met up with the Weasley's, Malfoy's, Snape's and Lestrange's.
"Hi Amber!" Andrew blushed as Fred and Theodore Nott's daughter, Amber Sylvia Nott caught the young boy in a hug. 

Hadrian smiled as the train pulled away with Andrew and his friends inside, Severus and Lily stood a couple of feet away watching the train take their sons away.
Hadrian hugged his mother, father, and brother before walking back
go his 2 children and husband and apparating back to Riddle manor, his home.

                                                                   The end

Harry Potter is owned by J.K Rowling

Thank you all so much for sticking with this story for so long even when it took me a while to get chapters out, I'm happy to say that The wrong child is now completed! - Maddie

Word Count: 217

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