The Woes of McGonagall. (chapter 26)

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Minerva McGonagall was known as a thin-lipped strict woman.
She was yelling at one Albus Dumbledore.
"Minerva, the students wouldn't be in danger!" Dumbledore tried to use his grandfatherly act to persuade the woman.
"Albus, you want to train children to fight a dark lord with years of experience?!"
"Well, just the more mature first years and all of the other years."
That's when Minerva lost it. She screamed about how innocent these children were and how they were only from the ages of 11 to 17 while the dark lord was over 60 years old.

"Minerva, please. If we trained the students right now they would be prepared for the final battle." Dumbledore desperately reasoned, he knew he was losing one of his most skilled weapons.
"No Albus, I won't stand by your side while you go and deliberately put the students in danger!" McGonagall fumed as she got right up into the man's face.
Dumbledore watched the old witch stomped out of the office.
Minerva's brain was spinning.
She walked to her floo and fire-called her old and closest friend, Lucius Malfoy. (McGonagall worked at the ministry before working at Hogwarts)
Lucius was sitting down looking at pictures of him and his family when the floo flared opened and out came Minerva.
"Minerva!" Lucius exclaimed
"Lucius, I need your help."
"Whatever has happened?" Lucius questioned.
"Albus has lost it! He wants to use the students as weapons!" Minerva started to explain the whole situation.
Lucius was speechless, he knew that Dumbledore was heartless but to put the students in danger!?
Lucius brought her to the one person who could help her, Tom Riddle.

                                                      To Be Continued

Harry Potter is owned by J.K Rowling

Word Count: 290

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