Stealing the stone. (Chapter 8)

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Hadrian was flipping through  the 5th book he had gotten from the Malfoy library about different potions and rituals to Bring Voldemort his body back.
His eyes landed on one ritual involving the philosophers stone.

The revival stone ritual.

3 drops of blood of an Allie

2 bones of a werewolf

Blood of a unicorn willingly given

Tears of an enemy

The philosophers stone made by Nicholas Flamel

This ritual will not only give life back to somebody but even a full working body magical or muggle if needed. Page 125 for more details on the philosophers stone. 7/12/1473

Hadrian ran out of the Slytherin common Room with the book in hand.
He stopped as he crossed a blonde headed girl that was sitting alone in the hall completely calm. "Are you ok Ms.?" Hadrian Asked noticing the Ravenclaw symbol embedded on her school robes.
"Oh yes I'm fine. You are doing the right thing Hadrian." And with that the girl got up and ran away.
What was that about? Hadrian wondered. He finally got to Severus's chamber doors and knocked. Hadrian heard a muffled come in and opened the door to see Severus and Quirell talking.

"Oh Hadrian. What do you need?" Severus Asked as he glanced back at the stuttering professor. "I found a ritual to get his body back!" Hadrian replied while pointing towards the Now red eyed man.
"Well Severus you told some people?" The man asked in a silky calm tone while almost inspecting Hadrian.
"Yes My lord, they can help you and your cause." The greasy haired man said.
Hadrian showed them the ritual and agreed that this would do wonderfully once they had the stone that is.


November 28 1991

"Give me the stone Quirell!" Jacob Potter yelled.
"You think I would give something as precious a The stone of life to you?" Quirell answered as he caressed the red stone in his palms.
Just then Dumbledore ran in. "Stop this madness Tom!" He Said very heroically
The 2 started fighting, Quirell dropped the stone. What no one noticed was Hadrian trade the real stone for a fake.
That night Quirell' body was destroyed and the fake stone was smashed into tiny pieces.
Severus and the 4 children set out for the ritual ingredients.
To await 2nd year and a new Voldemort or a new Tom?

                                                          To Be Continued

Harry Potter is owned by J.K Rowling

Word Count: 409

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