Quirell? (Chapter 7)

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Hadrian and Draco walked in the halls of Hogwarts, they had Been back at Hogwarts for a little under a month with nothing to do except be bored. They passed Jacob and Seamus "Hey freaks." Seamus taunted the brothers.
Snape strode right behind the 2 lousy Gryffindor. "Mr. Potter, Mr. Finnigan 10 points from Gryffindor now scram." Was the unnerving answer from the dungeon bat.
The Gryffindors looked behind them and scurried off.
"Hello uncle Sev." The twins chimed.
Severus lost most of his cold demeanor and greeted the twins and asked how they've been. As the twins went on their way and Severus on his none of them saw the red glowing eyes observing the scenes from behind the corner.


Hogwarts library

2 months after Christmas break

"I know it was Snape!" Jacob Potter practically yelled at Lavender Brown.
"Ok! But why would he jinx your broom?" Lavender responded a little quieter but still got a death glare from Madam Pince, the librarian.
"What is it?"
" Snapes after the stone!" Seamus tried to get into the conversation.
"Yes! Of Course!" Jacob responded while standing up and yelling "Hey you!" He said pointing to a 3rd year. "Get us a book on the philosophers stone!" While trying to intimidate the 3rd year Hufflepuff who looked dumbfounded.
When the Hufflepuff said no Jacob threw a tantrum and Madam Pince screamed for the 3 Gryffindors to get out.

Draco and Hadrian looked at each other as Ron tried to hide his laughter as Hermione scolded him for his immaturity.
The 4 walked down to the dungeons to ask Severus some questions.
"Hey uncle sev can you answer some questions for us?" Draco Asked a little to casually
Snape raised an eyebrow but let the students in.
"Do you know anything about the philosophers stone?" Hadrian Asked as he sipped his tea.
Severus paled, how did they know about that? "What do you want to know know about it?" He reluctantly replied.
"What does it do?" Ron Asked as he looked at all of snapes potions.
"You can live forever with it." Snape Said curtly.
"We overheard the Gryffindorks in the library talking about it in the library." Hermione Said as she flipped in a book that Severus gave them.
"Quirell is really Voldemort and I'm helping him get his body back." Severus sighed as he tried to suppress the shiver that went down his spine.

Quirell is Voldemort?

To Be Continued

Harry Potter is owned by J.K Rowling

Word count: 420 (hehe)

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