Living in peace? (chapter 30)

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(Ahhhhhh 30 chapters!!!!!)

Albus Dumbledore broke out into a cold sweat as he read the letter from Lord Voldemort,

Dear Albus,

On March 20, the dark side will be at Kings Cross station.
You will come if you don't want to look like more of a coward.

Yours truly, Tom Riddle (Lord Voldemort)

Dumbledore had been back at the headquarters for about 3 days since the incident at Diagon Alley, only a few hundred people still believed Dumbledore while thousands now stood on the dark side.
The war was coming, everyone knew that.

Riddle Manor, March 12, 1998

Hadrian had just gotten Andrew to bed, when Tom walked in.
"Yes dear?"
"I'm scared, what if you or I die, who will watch Andrew? Who-"
Hadrian was cut off by a deep kiss.
"Love, I have all of my Horecruxes. I can't die, neither can you."
"I'm just scared, will I fight?" Hadrian looked up at Tom.
"never, you have to be there for Andrew and our unborn child." Tom promised Hadrian.
'Let the final game begin, Albus.' Tom thought maliciously.

Kings cross station, March 20, 1998

Tom and Albus looked at each other.
Hadrian was at Riddle Manor with Andrew and the Lestrange twins as bodyguards.
"Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore, do you wish to participate in this battle?"

"yes, I do Tom Marvolo Riddle."

"Begin!" Tom shouted

People started firing spells from both sides of the war.
Crucios, reductos, and many more spells were thrown.
"Avada Kedevra!" Bellatrix screamed at Rodger Davies, Dumbledore let out an angered sound, he was rapidly losing the battle.
"Are you getting angry, Albus?" Tom taunted
"Never!" Dumbledore yelled as he sent a killing curse at Tom.

Rabastan Lestrange saw this and jumped in front of Tom.
Rodolphus let out an angered and despaired scream as he saw his brother hit the ground, lifeless.
Toms eyes lost their glint. He let go of his magic.
Many people from the light side exploded and others were cut in half.
Bellatrix started slashing through people as a revenge for the death of her brother-in-law.

10 people from the light side were left, one was Dumbledore.
"Well, well Albus, it's seems like this is your end." Tom sneered at the old man who was bleeding profusely.
"N-No... I. Can't. Lose..." Albus tried feebly.
"Goodbye. Avada Kedevra!"

Dumbledore was dead.

The war was over.

                                                           To Be Continued

Harry Potter is owned by J.K Rowling

I've been sick recently but I'm feeling better, more chapter should be coming out more smoothly now! - Maddie

Word Count: 431

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