The chosen dork. (chapter 12)

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James had woken up alone in bed on a cold Sunday morning. He walked downstairs to find an owl at the coffee table. In the owl's beak was a letter from Lily which read,

Dear James P,

Ever since the day Severus and I broke off contact that fateful school day, since then I was head over heels for you. I was blinded by you to see that we were neglecting our other son. I demand a divorce as you corrupted one of our sons and neglected the other. I wish you the worst of lives.

Lily Evans.

Under that letter were divorce papers from the ministry, already signed by his soon to be ex-wife. James screamed in frustration, Lily was gone! He then got an idea, he would just go find another wife and get an heir out of her. A couple of weeks later he was marrying a girl named Elanor Rosier. It was a loveless marriage, James was getting a new wife and heir and Elanor was getting fame.

Lily was settling in just fine. She had moved into Malfoy Manor. Hadrian had talked to Voldemort and pushed him to let Lily, a muggle-born to join the death eaters.


Cho Chang strode down the Hogwarts halls. She was taking special training from Dumbledore over the summer. "Blood Pops." Cho said to the gargoyle, which jumped out of her way. "Cho! I hope you are ready for training today, I want to try something new today." Dumbledore greeted the girl, he has to get the girl ready to kill the dark lord as she wasn't coming back to Hogwarts next year.
4 hours into training Dumbledore heard someone open his door. There he saw a single death eater. "Avada Kedevra!" the masked death eater said and the green light his Cho.
2 chosen ones down. Only one more weapon to choose, Hadrian.

                                                     To Be Continued

Harry Potter is owned by J.K Rowling

Hadrian is not going to be the-boy-who-lived but Dumbledores weapon. -Maddie

Word Count: 349

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