Lily and Severus's secret. (chapter 24)

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Lily let out a shaky breath as she leaned over the toilet while emptying her stomach.
Severus held his fiancée's hair.
"We are going to have to tell them at some point." Snape pointed out.
"I know Sev. We will tell them soon enough." Lily looked down at the beautiful wedding ring that Sev had proposed to her with.
Sev gently led her back to their bed, it had been 6 months since they had moved in together.
Meanwhile, Hadrian was having tea with his brother Draco and his fiancée Blaise.
"So Hadrian, have you and Tom thought about children?" Draco Asked as he offered Hadrian biscuits from the plate he held.
Hadrian squirmed a bit before answering. "We are actually trying for a baby."
Draco smiled widely and very un-Malfoy like squealed.
Tom walked into the room with a letter from St. Mungos and had an unreadable expression on his face.
Hadrian, Draco, and Blaise immediately got up and walked over to the red-eyed man.
To read the letter out loud,

Dear me. Riddle nee Malfoy,
Lillian Marie Evans soon to be Snape has been sent to St. Mungos after fainting a total of 4 times. Mr. Snape has asked for you and your husband to floo over to St. Mungos as soon as possible.
                                           Sincerely, Healer Alon of St. Mungos.

Hadrian paled and grabbed Tom's hand while muttering an apology to Draco and Blaise before running to the fireplace.
"St. Mungos!" Hadrian yelled and flooed to St. Mungos, Tom following in tow.
Hadrian ran up to the receptionist and got the room number.
Tom opened the door to Lily's room and walked in.
Lily was in the bed the small room had in it and Snape was in a chair that was beside the bed.
Hadrian rushed over to her bed.
"H-Hadrian." Lily muttered, her voice was hoarse from her dry throat.
"Lily, what happened?" Hadrian asked worriedly.
"We didn't want to tell you all." Lily said.
"Tell us what?"
"I-i'm Pregnant." Lily looked down, that was when Hadrian saw the slight bulge in her stomach.
What Lily didn't expect was for Hadrian to wrap his arms around her.
"Why didn't you tell any of us?" Hadrian asked.
"I thought Y-You all would be M-Mad." Lily said through her tears.
"We will always be there to support you." Hadrian Promised.

                                                          To Be Continued

Harry Potter is owned by J.K Rowling

Word Count: 411

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