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My boy he ain't the one that I saw coming
Some have said his heart's too hot to hold
But it takes a little time and you should see him when he shines
Cause you never want to let that feeling go.

Who You Love - John Mayer ft. Katy Perry


Jin's POV

I looked at Taehyung who is now sleeping beside me, even in his sleep sadness is visible in his eyes. It's all my fault, I know. I made him like that, if I didn't act upon what I feel for him in the first place then this would not be happening to him.

Flashback ...

It all started in college, I didn't know when I got used to Taehyung following me around and telling me he loves me, but the moment he suddenly stopped doing that, it feels like something is missing, suddenly everything is dull. I didn't understand it first but maybe I already fell. I don't know whether it was when we're in high school or on our elementary days, I don't really know.

Three whole years still he hasn't moved or made his way to me and I need to figure out myself whether I like him or I'm just used to his presence, that's why I date tons of women and men alike and I found a woman of my age who study in the same university and I tried to take a shot on her, she's nice and all at one point I thought I liked her but it turns out I just saw Taehyung in her, how bubbly she is, how determined everything is just all about Taehyung. In my third year in college, I knew, I already fell.

Graduation came and I was really waiting for Taehyung outside the venue, I just wanted to see him and take a glimpse. But this guy really surprised me, he went to me and say goodbye and he will be moving on. I was really furious that time that I didn't know what I did but I kissed him. This wasn't my first kiss but the way I felt while his lips are pressed on mine was as if it was my first. When they say that a kiss should feel magical they are not lying. It did feel like fireworks exploded in your being especially when he moved his lips against mine answering my every kisses right then and there I fell harder.

"That's your gift. Move on from me. Goodbye Taehyung." I wanted to punch myself because of what I said but I can't take it back, also, I can't just tell him that I already love him. I left him there but I made a promise to myself, "You're mine Taehyung. I'll get you no matter what."

I followed him to Paris to watch his every move while studying for my masters and it was not the easiest thing to do, a lot of guys and women tried to take a chance on him, it required a lot of effort for me to scare them away. I don't plan on showing my face in front of Taehyung not until Jimin got tired of me.

"I knew it when we're in high school that you clearly like Taehyung, everybody knows it, you're just in denial and you keep pushing him away. I tried to kiss him and I remembered what you did if you could kill me right there I bet I won't be alive by now."

"What's your point?" I asked him as I eye Taehyung from a corner of the bar.

"Make a move. Because you know what Jin if you won't make a move I will do it for you. I'm sick of you looking like a creepy stalker just watching from afar when you can clearly claim him and say 'I love you' to him. I didn't know you are a coward."

When he came back Taehyung was with him. I can still see the effect I have on him.

Good. He's still mine.

I talked to him like a normal person would let my guards down a little. And that day was followed one after another.


I brought him to a restaurant in Paris just in front of the Eiffel tower I want to make him feel special. That night was the best night for me.

"Jin, can I ask you something?"

"What is it, hmm?"

"What are we? I mean why are you like this? You're so nice to me. Friends don't do this stuff, you know."

I just smiled at him, I can't say it yet. I don't know what's holding me back but not yet. I know he's disappointed but just a little more.

That night, before he enters his home, I gave him a sunflower.

"But why sunflowers?"

"You don't deserve to be given a rose, Taehyung."

Because you deserve something more. You're more special than a rose. Because like the sunflower, you always followed the direction of the sun, wherever the sun is, that's the direction you'll also face. Just like how you did with me, all your life you dedicated it to following my every move. Persistent and courageous. Loyal and enduring.

But those thoughts just remained unspoken as I turn my back on him again.


"Please, if you're playing with me, stop it already. Because as you can see I'm trying to get over you just like what you wanted. But if you keep doing that I might be taking a long time to move on. Please just stop. Don't make this harder for me than it already is."

I'm not playing with you.

"You're moving on? Why are you taking so long?" I know I'm the stupidest person in the world I can't confess what I feel and I just make things worse.

"It's all your fault! How can I move on and find someone that will value me unlike what you do if you're there making it impossible! I want to forget you -"

Preventing him from saying more I kissed him. I don't want him to forget and I'll make sure this kiss will be enough reason for him to stay.

"Move on from me Taehyung, forget me."

I kissed him again. What I said was more of a challenge because I will mark him as mine in every way possible. Making it impossible for him to forget me.


"Taehyung, just go with it. Fall harder than before. Love me harder than you've ever given before."

"I thought you wanted me to be over you, why are you asking me to fall harder?"

Because I don't want to lose you.

But instead, other words came out of my mouth, "Then, why is it taking so long?"

"I'll move on from you sooner or later, Jin. And when that time comes I'll be the happiest person in the world."

"Good. Do it. I'll be waiting for that Tae." Because I know that would be next to impossible. I will claim you as mine.

That night, I took him. He was the best and I can't get enough and there's no way I'll let him slip away now.


Wait there's more. I'll post it later.

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